A.C.E. 3
ACE CD 3.iso
< prev
Text File
4,067 lines
; System Structures To Kickstart 3.0
; Made by Tax of Access
;;** AChain **
AChain_SIZEOF = 274
AChain_Child = 0 ;4
AChain_Parent = 4 ;4
AChain_Lock = 8 ;4
AChain_Info = 12 ;260
AChain_Flags = 272 ;1
AChain_String = 273 ;1
; ** adtFrame **
adtFrame_SIZEOF = 40
adtFrame_MethodID = 0 ;4
adtFrame_TimeStamp = 4 ;4
adtFrame_Frame = 8 ;4
adtFrame_Duration = 12 ;4
adtFrame_BitMap = 16 ;4
adtFrame_CMap = 20 ;4
adtFrame_Sample = 24 ;4
adtFrame_SampleLength = 28 ;4
adtFrame_Period = 32 ;4
adtFrame_UserData = 36 ;4
; ** adtStart **
adtStart_SIZEOF = 8
adtStart_MethodID = 0 ;4
adtStart_Frame = 4 ;4
; ** AmigaGuideHost **
AmigaGuideHost_SIZEOF = 40
AmigaGuideHost_Dispatcher = 0 ;20
AmigaGuideHost_Reserved = 20 ;4
AmigaGuideHost_Flags = 24 ;4
AmigaGuideHost_UseCnt = 28 ;4
AmigaGuideHost_SystemData = 32 ;4
AmigaGuideHost_UserData = 36 ;4
; ** AmigaGuideMsg **
AmigaGuideMsg_SIZEOF = 52
AmigaGuideMsg_Msg = 0 ;20
AmigaGuideMsg_Type = 20 ;4
AmigaGuideMsg_Data = 24 ;4
AmigaGuideMsg_DSize = 28 ;4
AmigaGuideMsg_DType = 32 ;4
AmigaGuideMsg_Pri_Ret = 36 ;4
AmigaGuideMsg_Sec_Ret = 40 ;4
AmigaGuideMsg_System1 = 44 ;4
AmigaGuideMsg_System2 = 48 ;4
; ** AnalogSignalInterval **
AnalogSignalInterval_SIZEOF = 4
AnalogSignalInterval_Start = 0 ;2
AnalogSignalInterval_Stop = 2 ;2
; ** AnchorPath **
AnchorPath_SIZEOF = 282
AnchorPath_Base = 0 ;4
AnchorPath_Last = 4 ;4
AnchorPath_BreakBits = 8 ;4
AnchorPath_FoundBreak = 12 ;4
AnchorPath_Flags = 16 ;1
AnchorPath_Reserved = 17 ;1
AnchorPath_StrLen = 18 ;2
AnchorPath_Info = 20 ;260
AnchorPath_Buf = 280 ;1
; ** AnimComp **
AnimComp_SIZEOF = 38
AnimComp_Flags = 0 ;2
AnimComp_Timer = 2 ;2
AnimComp_TimeSet = 4 ;2
AnimComp_NextComp = 6 ;4
AnimComp_PrevComp = 10 ;4
AnimComp_NextSeq = 14 ;4
AnimComp_PrevSeq = 18 ;4
AnimComp_AnimCRoutine = 22 ;4
AnimComp_YTrans = 26 ;2
AnimComp_XTrans = 28 ;2
AnimComp_HeadOb = 30 ;4
AnimComp_AnimBob = 34 ;4
; ** AnimHeader **
AnimHeader_SIZEOF = 40
AnimHeader_Operation = 0 ;1
AnimHeader_Mask = 1 ;1
AnimHeader_Width = 2 ;2
AnimHeader_Height = 4 ;2
AnimHeader_Left = 6 ;2
AnimHeader_Top = 8 ;2
AnimHeader_AbsTime = 10 ;4
AnimHeader_RelTime = 14 ;4
AnimHeader_Interleave = 18 ;1
AnimHeader_Pad0 = 19 ;1
AnimHeader_Flags = 20 ;4
AnimHeader_Pad1 = 24 ;1
; ** AnimOb **
AnimOb_SIZEOF = 42
AnimOb_NextOb = 0 ;4
AnimOb_PrevOb = 4 ;4
AnimOb_Clock = 8 ;4
AnimOb_AnOldY = 12 ;2
AnimOb_AnOldX = 14 ;2
AnimOb_AnY = 16 ;2
AnimOb_AnX = 18 ;2
AnimOb_YVel = 20 ;2
AnimOb_XVel = 22 ;2
AnimOb_YAccel = 24 ;2
AnimOb_XAccel = 26 ;2
AnimOb_RingYTrans = 28 ;2
AnimOb_RingXTrans = 30 ;2
AnimOb_AnimORoutine = 32 ;4
AnimOb_HeadComp = 36 ;4
AnimOb_AUserExt = 40 ;2
; ** AppIcon **
AppIcon_SIZEOF = 4
AppIcon_PRIVATE = 0 ;4
; ** AppMenuItem **
AppMenuItem_SIZEOF = 4
AppMenuItem_PRIVATE = 0 ;4
; ** AppMessage **
AppMessage_SIZEOF = 86
AppMessage_Message = 0 ;20
AppMessage_Type = 20 ;2
AppMessage_UserData = 22 ;4
AppMessage_ID = 26 ;4
AppMessage_NumArgs = 30 ;4
AppMessage_ArgList = 34 ;4
AppMessage_Version = 38 ;2
AppMessage_Class = 40 ;2
AppMessage_MouseX = 42 ;2
AppMessage_MouseY = 44 ;2
AppMessage_Seconds = 46 ;4
AppMessage_Micros = 50 ;4
AppMessage_Reserved = 54 ;4
; ** AppWindow **
AppWindow_SIZEOF = 4
AppWindow_PRIVATE = 0 ;4
; ** AreaInfo **
AreaInfo_SIZEOF = 24
AreaInfo_VctrTbl = 0 ;4
AreaInfo_VctrPtr = 4 ;4
AreaInfo_FlagTbl = 8 ;4
AreaInfo_FlagPtr = 12 ;4
AreaInfo_Count = 16 ;2
AreaInfo_MaxCount = 18 ;2
AreaInfo_FirstX = 20 ;2
AreaInfo_FirstY = 22 ;2
; ** AssignList **
AssignList_SIZEOF = 8
AssignList_Next = 0 ;4
AssignList_Lock = 4 ;4
; ** AudChannel **
AudChannel_SIZEOF = 16
AudChannel_Ptr = 0 ;4
AudChannel_Len = 4 ;2
AudChannel_Per = 6 ;2
AudChannel_Vol = 8 ;2
AudChannel_Dat = 10 ;2
AudChannel_Pad = 12 ;2
; ** AvailFonts **
AvailFonts_SIZEOF = 10
AvailFonts_Type = 0 ;2
AvailFonts_Attr = 2 ;8
; ** AvailFontsHeader **
AvailFontsHeader_SIZEOF = 2
AvailFontsHeader_NumEntries = 0 ;2
;;** BadBlockBlock **
BadBlockBlock_SIZEOF = 512
BadBlockBlock_ID = 0 ;4
BadBlockBlock_SummedLongs = 4 ;4
BadBlockBlock_ChkSum = 8 ;4
BadBlockBlock_HostID = 12 ;4
BadBlockBlock_Next = 16 ;4
BadBlockBlock_Reserved = 20 ;4
BadBlockBlock_BlockPairs = 24 ;8
; ** BadBlockEntry **
BadBlockEntry_SIZEOF = 8
BadBlockEntry_BadBlock = 0 ;4
BadBlockEntry_GoodBlock = 4 ;4
; ** BitMap **
BitMap_SIZEOF = 40
BitMap_BytesPerRow = 0 ;2
BitMap_Rows = 2 ;2
BitMap_Flags = 4 ;1
BitMap_Depth = 5 ;1
BitMap_Pad = 6 ;2
BitMap_Planes = 8 ;4
; ** BitMapHeader **
BitMapHeader_SIZEOF = 20
BitMapHeader_Width = 0 ;2
BitMapHeader_Height = 2 ;2
BitMapHeader_Left = 4 ;2
BitMapHeader_Top = 6 ;2
BitMapHeader_Depth = 8 ;1
BitMapHeader_Masking = 9 ;1
BitMapHeader_Compression = 10 ;1
BitMapHeader_Pad = 11 ;1
BitMapHeader_Transparent = 12 ;2
BitMapHeader_XAspect = 14 ;1
BitMapHeader_YAspect = 15 ;1
BitMapHeader_PageWidth = 16 ;2
BitMapHeader_PageHeight = 18 ;2
; ** BitScaleArgs **
BitScaleArgs_SIZEOF = 48
BitScaleArgs_SrcX = 0 ;2
BitScaleArgs_SrcY = 2 ;2
BitScaleArgs_SrcWidth = 4 ;2
BitScaleArgs_SrcHeight = 6 ;2
BitScaleArgs_XSrcFactor = 8 ;2
BitScaleArgs_YSrcFactor = 10 ;2
BitScaleArgs_DestX = 12 ;2
BitScaleArgs_DestY = 14 ;2
BitScaleArgs_DestWidth = 16 ;2
BitScaleArgs_DestHeight = 18 ;2
BitScaleArgs_XDestFactor = 20 ;2
BitScaleArgs_YDestFactor = 22 ;2
BitScaleArgs_SrcBitMap = 24 ;4
BitScaleArgs_DestBitMap = 28 ;4
BitScaleArgs_Flags = 32 ;4
BitScaleArgs_XDDA = 36 ;2
BitScaleArgs_YDDA = 38 ;2
BitScaleArgs_Reserved1 = 40 ;4
BitScaleArgs_Reserved2 = 44 ;4
; ** BltNode **
BltNode_SIZEOF = 18
BltNode_Node = 0 ;4
BltNode_Function = 4 ;4
BltNode_Stat = 8 ;1
BltNode_BlitSize = 10 ;2
BltNode_BeamSync = 12 ;2
BltNode_CleanUp = 14 ;4
; ** Bob **
Bob_SIZEOF = 32
Bob_Flags = 0 ;2
Bob_SaveBuffer = 2 ;4
Bob_ImageShadow = 6 ;4
Bob_Before = 10 ;4
Bob_After = 14 ;4
Bob_BobVSprite = 18 ;4
Bob_BobComp = 22 ;4
Bob_DBuffer = 26 ;4
Bob_BUserExt = 30 ;2
; ** BoolInfo **
BoolInfo_SIZEOF = 10
BoolInfo_Flags = 0 ;2
BoolInfo_Mask = 2 ;4
BoolInfo_Reserved = 6 ;4
; ** BootBlock **
BootBlock_SIZEOF = 12
BootBlock_ID = 0 ;4
BootBlock_Chksum = 4 ;4
BootBlock_DOSBlock = 8 ;4
; ** BootNode **
BootNode_SIZEOF = 20
BootNode_Node = 0 ;14
BootNode_Flags = 14 ;2
BootNode_DeviceNode = 16 ;4
; ** Border **
Border_SIZEOF = 16
Border_LeftEdge = 0 ;2
Border_TopEdge = 2 ;2
Border_FrontPen = 4 ;1
Border_BackPen = 5 ;1
Border_DrawMode = 6 ;1
Border_Count = 7 ;1
Border_XY = 8 ;4
Border_NextBorder = 12 ;4
;;**CardHandle **
CardHandle_SIZEOF = 28
CardHandle_CardNode = 0 ;14
CardHandle_CardRemoved = 14 ;4
CardHandle_CardInserted = 18 ;4
CardHandle_CardStatus = 22 ;4
CardHandle_CardFlags = 26 ;1
; ** CardMemoryMap **
CardMemoryMap_SIZEOF = 24
CardMemoryMap_CommonMemory = 0 ;4
CardMemoryMap_AttributeMemory = 4 ;4
CardMemoryMap_IOMemory = 8 ;4
CardMemoryMap_CommonMemSize = 12 ;4
CardMemoryMap_AttributeMemSize = 16 ;4
CardMemoryMap_IOMemSize = 20 ;4
; ** Catalog **
Catalog_SIZEOF = 28
Catalog_Link = 0 ;14
Catalog_Pad = 14 ;2
Catalog_Language = 16 ;4
Catalog_CodeSet = 20 ;4
Catalog_Version = 24 ;2
Catalog_Revision = 26 ;2
; ** CDInfo **
CDInfo_SIZEOF = 34
CDInfo_PlaySpeed = 0 ;2
CDInfo_ReadSpeed = 2 ;2
CDInfo_ReadXLSpeed = 4 ;2
CDInfo_SectorSize = 6 ;2
CDInfo_XLECC = 8 ;2
CDInfo_EjectReset = 10 ;2
CDInfo_Reserved1 = 12 ;2
CDInfo_MaxSpeed = 20 ;2
CDInfo_AudioPrecision = 22 ;2
CDInfo_Status = 24 ;2
CDInfo_Reserved2 = 26 ;2
; ** CDTOC **
CDTOC_Summary = 0 ;6
CDTOC_Entry = 0 ;6
; ** CDXL **
CDXL_Node = 0 ;8
CDXL_Buffer = 8 ;4
CDXL_Length = 12 ;4
CDXL_Actual = 16 ;4
CDXL_IntData = 20 ;4
CDXL_IntCode = 24 ;4
; ** ClipboardHandle **
ClipboardHandle_SIZEOF = 120
ClipboardHandle_Req = 0 ;52
ClipboardHandle_CBPort = 52 ;34
ClipboardHandle_SatisfyPort = 86 ;34
; ** ClipboardUnitPartial **
ClipboardUnitPartial_SIZEOF = 18
ClipboardUnitPartial_Node = 0 ;14
ClipboardUnitPartial_UnitNum = 14 ;4
; ** ClipHookMsg **
ClipHookMsg_SIZEOF = 12
ClipHookMsg_Type = 0 ;4
ClipHookMsg_ChangeCmd = 4 ;4
ClipHookMsg_ClipID = 8 ;4
; ** ClipRect **
ClipRect_SIZEOF = 36
ClipRect_Next = 0 ;4
ClipRect_Prev = 4 ;4
ClipRect_Lobs = 8 ;4
ClipRect_Bitmap = 12 ;4
ClipRect_Bounds = 16 ;8
ClipRect_p1 = 24 ;4
ClipRect_p2 = 28 ;4
ClipRect_Reserved = 32 ;4
; ** CliProcList **
CliProcList_SIZEOF = 16
CliProcList_Node = 0 ;8
CliProcList_First = 8 ;4
CliProcList_Array = 12 ;4
; ** ClockData **
ClockData_SIZEOF = 14
ClockData_Sec = 0 ;2
ClockData_Min = 2 ;2
ClockData_Hour = 4 ;2
ClockData_MDay = 6 ;2
ClockData_Month = 8 ;2
ClockData_Year = 10 ;2
ClockData_WDay = 12 ;2
; ** CollectionItem **
CollectionItem_SIZEOF = 12
CollectionItem_Next = 0 ;4
CollectionItem_Size = 4 ;4
CollectionItem_Data = 8 ;4
; ** CollTable **
CollTable_SIZEOF = 64
CollTable_CollPtrs = 0 ;4
; ** ColorEntry **
ColorEntry_SIZEOF = 4
ColorEntry_ColorLong = 0 ;4
ColorEntry_ColorByte = 0 ;1
ColorEntry_ColorSByte = 0 ;1
; ** ColorFontColors **
ColorFontColors_SIZEOF = 8
ColorFontColors_Reserved = 0 ;2
ColorFontColors_Count = 2 ;2
ColorFontColors_ColorTable = 4 ;4
; ** ColorMap **
ColorMap_SIZEOF = 52
ColorMap_Flags = 0 ;1
ColorMap_Type = 1 ;1
ColorMap_Count = 2 ;2
ColorMap_ColorTable = 4 ;4
ColorMap_Vpe = 8 ;4
ColorMap_LowColorBits = 12 ;4
ColorMap_TransparencyPlane = 16 ;1
ColorMap_SpriteResolution = 17 ;1
ColorMap_SpriteResDefault = 18 ;1
ColorMap_AuxFlags = 19 ;1
ColorMap_Vp = 20 ;4
ColorMap_NormalDisplayInfo = 24 ;4
ColorMap_CoerceDisplayInfo = 28 ;4
ColorMap_Batch_Items = 32 ;4
ColorMap_VPModeID = 36 ;4
ColorMap_PalExtra = 40 ;4
ColorMap_SpriteBase_Even = 44 ;2
ColorMap_SpriteBase_Odd = 46 ;2
ColorMap_Bp_0_Base = 48 ;2
ColorMap_Bp_1_Base = 50 ;2
; ** ColorRegister **
ColorRegister_SIZEOF = 4
ColorRegister_Red = 0 ;1
ColorRegister_Green = 1 ;1
ColorRegister_Blue = 2 ;1
; ** ColorSpec **
ColorSpec_SIZEOF = 8
ColorSpec_ColorIndex = 0 ;2
ColorSpec_Red = 2 ;2
ColorSpec_Green = 4 ;2
ColorSpec_Blue = 6 ;2
; ** ColorTextFont **
ColorTextFont_SIZEOF = 96
ColorTextFont_TF = 0 ;52
ColorTextFont_Flags = 52 ;2
ColorTextFont_Depth = 54 ;1
ColorTextFont_FgColor = 55 ;1
ColorTextFont_Low = 56 ;1
ColorTextFont_High = 57 ;1
ColorTextFont_PlanePick = 58 ;1
ColorTextFont_PlaneOnOff = 59 ;1
ColorTextFont_ColorFontColors = 60 ;4
ColorTextFont_CharData = 64 ;4
; ** ColorWheelHSB **
ColorWheelHSB_SIZEOF = 12
ColorWheelHSB_Hue = 0 ;4
ColorWheelHSB_Saturation = 4 ;4
ColorWheelHSB_Brightness = 8 ;4
; ** ColorWheelRGB **
ColorWheelRGB_SIZEOF = 12
ColorWheelRGB_Red = 0 ;4
ColorWheelRGB_Green = 4 ;4
ColorWheelRGB_Blue = 8 ;4
; ** CommandLineInterface **
CLI_Result2 = 0 ;4
CLI_SetName = 4 ;4
CLI_CommandDir = 8 ;4
CLI_ReturnCode = 12 ;4
CLI_CommandName = 16 ;4
CLI_FailLevel = 20 ;4
CLI_Prompt = 24 ;4
CLI_StandardInput = 28 ;4
CLI_CurrentInput = 32 ;4
CLI_CommandFile = 36 ;4
CLI_Interactive = 40 ;4
CLI_Background = 44 ;4
CLI_CurrentOutput = 48 ;4
CLI_DefaultStack = 52 ;4
CLI_StandardOutput = 56 ;4
CLI_Module = 60 ;4
; ** Conductor **
Conductor_SIZEOF = 54
Conductor_Link = 0 ;14
Conductor_Reserved0 = 14 ;2
Conductor_Players = 16 ;12
Conductor_ClockTime = 28 ;4
Conductor_StartTime = 32 ;4
Conductor_ExternalTime = 36 ;4
Conductor_MaxExternalTime = 40 ;4
Conductor_Metronome = 44 ;4
Conductor_Reserved1 = 48 ;2
Conductor_Flags = 50 ;2
Conductor_State = 52 ;1
; ** ConfigDev **
ConfigDev_SIZEOF = 68
ConfigDev_Node = 0 ;14
ConfigDev_Flags = 14 ;1
ConfigDev_Pad = 15 ;1
ConfigDev_Rom = 16 ;16
ConfigDev_BoardAddr = 32 ;4
ConfigDev_BoardSize = 36 ;4
ConfigDev_SlotAddr = 40 ;2
ConfigDev_SlotSize = 42 ;2
ConfigDev_Driver = 44 ;4
ConfigDev_NextCD = 48 ;4
ConfigDev_Unused = 52 ;4
; ** ContextNode **
ContextNode_SIZEOF = 24
ContextNode_Node = 0 ;8
ContextNode_ID = 8 ;4
ContextNode_Type = 12 ;4
ContextNode_Size = 16 ;4
ContextNode_Scan = 20 ;4
; ** ConUnit **
ConUnit_SIZEOF = 296
ConUnit_MP = 0 ;34
ConUnit_Window = 34 ;4
ConUnit_XCP = 38 ;2
ConUnit_YCP = 40 ;2
ConUnit_XMax = 42 ;2
ConUnit_YMax = 44 ;2
ConUnit_XRSize = 46 ;2
ConUnit_YRSize = 48 ;2
ConUnit_XROrigin = 50 ;2
ConUnit_YROrigin = 52 ;2
ConUnit_XRExtant = 54 ;2
ConUnit_YRExtant = 56 ;2
ConUnit_XMinShrink = 58 ;2
ConUnit_YMinShrink = 60 ;2
ConUnit_XCCP = 62 ;2
ConUnit_YCCP = 64 ;2
ConUnit_KeyMapStruct = 66 ;32
ConUnit_TabStops = 98 ;2
ConUnit_Mask = 258 ;1
ConUnit_FgPen = 259 ;1
ConUnit_BgPen = 260 ;1
ConUnit_AOLPen = 261 ;1
ConUnit_DrawMode = 262 ;1
ConUnit_Obsolete1 = 263 ;1
ConUnit_Obsolete2 = 264 ;4
ConUnit_Minterms = 268 ;1
ConUnit_Font = 276 ;4
ConUnit_AlgoStyle = 280 ;1
ConUnit_TxFlags = 281 ;1
ConUnit_TxHeight = 282 ;2
ConUnit_TxWidth = 284 ;2
ConUnit_TxBaseline = 286 ;2
ConUnit_TxSpacing = 288 ;2
ConUnit_Modes = 290 ;1
ConUnit_RawEvents = 293 ;1
; ** CopInit **
CopInit_SIZEOF = 192
CopInit_VSync_HBlank = 0 ;2
CopInit_DiagStrt = 4 ;2
CopInit_Fm0 = 28 ;2
CopInit_DiwStart = 32 ;2
CopInit_BplCon2 = 52 ;2
CopInit_SprFix = 56 ;2
CopInit_SprStrtup = 88 ;2
CopInit_Wait14 = 152 ;2
CopInit_Norm_HBlank = 156 ;2
CopInit_Jump = 160 ;2
CopInit_Wait_Forever = 164 ;2
CopInit_SprStop = 176 ;2
; ** CopIns **
CopIns_SIZEOF = 6
CopIns_OpCode = 0 ;2
CopIns_u3 = 2 ;4
CopIns_u3.nxtlist = 2 ;4
CopIns_u3.u4 = 2 ;4
CopIns_u3.u4.u1 = 2 ;2
CopIns_u3.u4.u1.VWaitPos = 2 ;2
CopIns_u3.u4.u1.DestAddr = 2 ;2
CopIns_u3.u4.u2 = 4 ;2
CopIns_u3.u4.u2.HWaitPos = 4 ;2
CopIns_u3.u4.u2.DestData = 4 ;2
; ** CopList **
CopList_SIZEOF = 38
CopList_Next = 0 ;4
CopList_CopList = 4 ;4
CopList_ViewPort = 8 ;4
CopList_CopIns = 12 ;4
CopList_CopPtr = 16 ;4
CopList_CopLStart = 20 ;4
CopList_CopSStart = 24 ;4
CopList_Count = 28 ;2
CopList_MaxCount = 30 ;2
CopList_DyOffset = 32 ;2
CopList_SLRepeat = 34 ;2
CopList_Flags = 36 ;2
; ** CountryPrefs **
CountryPrefs_SIZEOF = 504
CountryPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
CountryPrefs_CountryCode = 16 ;4
CountryPrefs_TelephoneCode = 20 ;4
CountryPrefs_MeasuringSystem = 24 ;1
CountryPrefs_DateTimeFormat = 25 ;1
CountryPrefs_DateFormat = 105 ;1
CountryPrefs_TimeFormat = 145 ;1
CountryPrefs_ShortDateTimeFormat = 185 ;1
CountryPrefs_ShortDateFormat = 265 ;1
CountryPrefs_ShortTimeFormat = 305 ;1
CountryPrefs_DecimalPoint = 345 ;1
CountryPrefs_GroupSeparator = 355 ;1
CountryPrefs_FracGroupSeparator = 365 ;1
CountryPrefs_Grouping = 375 ;1
CountryPrefs_FracGrouping = 385 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonDecimalPoint = 395 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonGroupSeparator = 405 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonFracGroupSeparator = 415 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonGrouping = 425 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonFracGrouping = 435 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonFracDigits = 445 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonIntFracDigits = 446 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonCS = 447 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonSmallCS = 457 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonIntCS = 467 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonPositiveSign = 477 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonPositiveSpaceSep = 487 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonPositiveSignPos = 488 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonPositiveCSPos = 489 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonNegativeSign = 490 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonNegativeSpaceSep = 500 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonNegativeSignPos = 501 ;1
CountryPrefs_MonNegativeCSPos = 502 ;1
CountryPrefs_CalendarType = 503 ;1
; ** CprList **
CprList_SIZEOF = 10
CprList_Next = 0 ;4
CprList_Start = 4 ;4
CprList_MaxCount = 8 ;2
; ** CSource **
CSource_SIZEOF = 12
CSource_Buffer = 0 ;4
CSource_Length = 4 ;4
CSource_CurChr = 8 ;4
; ** CurrentBinding **
CurrentBinding_SIZEOF = 16
CurrentBinding_ConfigDev = 0 ;4
CurrentBinding_FileName = 4 ;4
CurrentBinding_ProductString = 8 ;4
CurrentBinding_ToolTypes = 12 ;4
;;** DataType **
DataType_SIZEOF = 58
DataType_Node1 = 0 ;14
DataType_Node2 = 14 ;14
DataType_Header = 28 ;4
DataType_ToolList = 32 ;14
DataType_FunctionName = 46 ;4
DataType_AttrList = 50 ;4
DataType_Length = 54 ;4
; ** DataTypeHeader **
DataTypeHeader_SIZEOF = 32
DataTypeHeader_Name = 0 ;4
DataTypeHeader_BaseName = 4 ;4
DataTypeHeader_Pattern = 8 ;4
DataTypeHeader_Mask = 12 ;4
DataTypeHeader_GroupID = 16 ;4
DataTypeHeader_ID = 20 ;4
DataTypeHeader_MaskLen = 24 ;2
DataTypeHeader_Pad = 26 ;2
DataTypeHeader_Flags = 28 ;2
DataTypeHeader_Priority = 30 ;2
; ** DateStamp **
DateStamp_SIZEOF = 12
DateStamp_Days = 0 ;4
DateStamp_Minute = 4 ;4
DateStamp_Tick = 8 ;4
; ** DateTime **
DateTime_SIZEOF = 26
DateTime_Stamp = 0 ;12
DateTime_Format = 12 ;1
DateTime_Flags = 13 ;1
DateTime_StrDay = 14 ;4
DateTime_StrDate = 18 ;4
DateTime_StrTime = 22 ;4
; ** DBufInfo **
DBufInfo_SIZEOF = 84
DBufInfo_Link1 = 0 ;4
DBufInfo_Count1 = 4 ;4
DBufInfo_SafeMessage = 8 ;20
DBufInfo_UserData1 = 28 ;4
DBufInfo_Link2 = 32 ;4
DBufInfo_Count2 = 36 ;4
DBufInfo_DispMessage = 40 ;20
DBufInfo_UserData2 = 60 ;4
DBufInfo_MatchLong = 64 ;4
DBufInfo_CopPtr1 = 68 ;4
DBufInfo_CopPtr2 = 72 ;4
DBufInfo_CopPtr3 = 76 ;4
DBufInfo_BeamPos1 = 80 ;2
DBufInfo_BeamPos2 = 82 ;2
; ** DBufPacket **
DBufPacket_SIZEOF = 12
DBufPacket_BufY = 0 ;2
DBufPacket_BufX = 2 ;2
DBufPacket_BufPath = 4 ;4
DBufPacket_BufBuffer = 8 ;4
; ** Device **
Device_SIZEOF = 34
Device_Library = 0 ;34
; ** DeviceData **
DeviceData_SIZEOF = 52
DeviceData_Device = 0 ;34
DeviceData_Segment = 34 ;4
DeviceData_ExecBase = 38 ;4
DeviceData_CmdVectors = 42 ;4
DeviceData_CmdBytes = 46 ;4
DeviceData_NumCommands = 50 ;2
; ** DeviceList **
DeviceList_SIZEOF = 44
DeviceList_Next = 0 ;4
DeviceList_Type = 4 ;4
DeviceList_Task = 8 ;4
DeviceList_Lock = 12 ;4
DeviceList_VolumeDate = 16 ;12
DeviceList_LockList = 28 ;4
DeviceList_DiskType = 32 ;4
DeviceList_Unused = 36 ;4
DeviceList_Name = 40 ;4
; ** DeviceNode **
DeviceNode_SIZEOF = 44
DeviceNode_Next = 0 ;4
DeviceNode_Type = 4 ;4
DeviceNode_Task = 8 ;4
DeviceNode_Lock = 12 ;4
DeviceNode_Handler = 16 ;4
DeviceNode_StackSize = 20 ;4
DeviceNode_Priority = 24 ;4
DeviceNode_Startup = 28 ;4
DeviceNode_SegList = 32 ;4
DeviceNode_GlobalVec = 36 ;4
DeviceNode_Name = 40 ;4
; ** DeviceTData **
DeviceTData_SIZEOF = 10
DeviceTData_DTSize = 0 ;4
DeviceTData_DTSpeed = 4 ;4
DeviceTData_DTType = 8 ;1
DeviceTData_DTFlags = 9 ;1
; ** DevInfo **
DevInfo_SIZEOF = 44
DevInfo_Next = 0 ;4
DevInfo_Type = 4 ;4
DevInfo_Task = 8 ;4
DevInfo_Lock = 12 ;4
DevInfo_Handler = 16 ;4
DevInfo_StackSize = 20 ;4
DevInfo_Priority = 24 ;4
DevInfo_Startup = 28 ;4
DevInfo_SegList = 32 ;4
DevInfo_GlobVec = 36 ;4
DevInfo_Name = 40 ;4
; ** DevProc **
DevProc_SIZEOF = 16
DevProc_Port = 0 ;4
DevProc_Lock = 4 ;4
DevProc_Flags = 8 ;4
DevProc_DevNode = 12 ;4
; ** DiagArea **
DiagArea_SIZEOF = 14
DiagArea_Config = 0 ;1
DiagArea_Flags = 1 ;1
DiagArea_Size = 2 ;2
DiagArea_DiagPoint = 4 ;2
DiagArea_BootPoint = 6 ;2
DiagArea_Name = 8 ;2
DiagArea_Reserved01 = 10 ;2
DiagArea_Reserved02 = 12 ;2
; ** DimensionInfo **
DimensionInfo_SIZEOF = 88
DimensionInfo_Header = 0 ;16
DimensionInfo_MaxDepth = 16 ;2
DimensionInfo_MinRasterWidth = 18 ;2
DimensionInfo_MinRasterHeight = 20 ;2
DimensionInfo_MaxRasterWidth = 22 ;2
DimensionInfo_MaxRasterHeight = 24 ;2
DimensionInfo_Nominal = 26 ;8
DimensionInfo_MaxOScan = 34 ;8
DimensionInfo_VideoOScan = 42 ;8
DimensionInfo_TxtOScan = 50 ;8
DimensionInfo_StdOScan = 58 ;8
DimensionInfo_Pad = 66 ;1
DimensionInfo_Reserved = 80 ;4
; ** DiskFontHeader **
DiskFontHeader_SIZEOF = 106
DiskFontHeader_DF = 0 ;14
DiskFontHeader_FileID = 14 ;2
DiskFontHeader_Revision = 16 ;2
DiskFontHeader_Segment = 18 ;4
DiskFontHeader_Name = 22 ;1
DiskFontHeader_TF = 54 ;52
; ** DiskObject **
DiskObject_SIZEOF = 78
DiskObject_Magic = 0 ;2
DiskObject_Version = 2 ;2
DiskObject_Gadget = 4 ;44
DiskObject_Type = 48 ;1
DiskObject_DefaultTool = 50 ;4
DiskObject_ToolTypes = 54 ;4
DiskObject_CurrentX = 58 ;4
DiskObject_CurrentY = 62 ;4
DiskObject_DrawerData = 66 ;4
DiskObject_ToolWindow = 70 ;4
DiskObject_StackSize = 74 ;4
; ** DiskResource **
DiskResource_SIZEOF = 148
DiskResource_Library = 0 ;34
DiskResource_Current = 34 ;4
DiskResource_Flags = 38 ;1
DiskResource_Pad = 39 ;1
DiskResource_SysLib = 40 ;4
DiskResource_CiaResource = 44 ;4
DiskResource_UnitID = 48 ;4
DiskResource_Waiting = 64 ;14
DiskResource_DiskBlock = 78 ;22
DiskResource_DiskSync = 100 ;22
DiskResource_Index = 122 ;22
DiskResource_CurrTask = 144 ;4
; ** DiskResourceUnit **
DiskResourceUnit_SIZEOF = 86
DiskResourceUnit_Message = 0 ;20
DiskResourceUnit_DiskBlock = 20 ;22
DiskResourceUnit_DiskSync = 42 ;22
DiskResourceUnit_Index = 64 ;22
; ** DisplayInfo **
DisplayInfo_SIZEOF = 56
DisplayInfo_Header = 0 ;16
DisplayInfo_NotAvailable = 16 ;2
DisplayInfo_PropertyFlags = 18 ;4
DisplayInfo_Resolution = 22 ;4
DisplayInfo_PixelSpeed = 26 ;2
DisplayInfo_NumStdSprites = 28 ;2
DisplayInfo_PaletteRange = 30 ;2
DisplayInfo_SpriteResolution = 32 ;4
DisplayInfo_Pad = 36 ;1
DisplayInfo_RedBits = 40 ;1
DisplayInfo_GreenBits = 41 ;1
DisplayInfo_BlueBits = 42 ;1
DisplayInfo_Pad2 = 43 ;1
DisplayInfo_Reserved = 48 ;4
; ** DisplayMode **
DisplayMode_SIZEOF = 106
DisplayMode_Node = 0 ;14
DisplayMode_DimensionInfo = 14 ;88
DisplayMode_PropertyFlags = 102 ;4
; ** DosEnvec **
DosEnvec_SIZEOF = 80
DosEnvec_TableSize = 0 ;4
DosEnvec_SizeBlock = 4 ;4
DosEnvec_SecOrg = 8 ;4
DosEnvec_Surfaces = 12 ;4
DosEnvec_SectorPerBlock = 16 ;4
DosEnvec_BlocksPerTrack = 20 ;4
DosEnvec_Reserved = 24 ;4
DosEnvec_PreAlloc = 28 ;4
DosEnvec_Interleave = 32 ;4
DosEnvec_LowCyl = 36 ;4
DosEnvec_HighCyl = 40 ;4
DosEnvec_NumBuffers = 44 ;4
DosEnvec_BufMemType = 48 ;4
DosEnvec_MaxTransfer = 52 ;4
DosEnvec_Mask = 56 ;4
DosEnvec_BootPri = 60 ;4
DosEnvec_DosType = 64 ;4
DosEnvec_Baud = 68 ;4
DosEnvec_Control = 72 ;4
DosEnvec_BootBlocks = 76 ;4
; ** DosInfo **
DosInfo_SIZEOF = 158
DosInfo_McName = 0 ;4
DosInfo_DevInfo = 4 ;4
DosInfo_Devices = 8 ;4
DosInfo_Handlers = 12 ;4
DosInfo_NetHand = 16 ;4
DosInfo_DevLock = 20 ;46
DosInfo_EntryLock = 66 ;46
DosInfo_DeleteLock = 112 ;46
; ** DosList **
DosList_SIZEOF = 44
DosList_Next = 0 ;4
DosList_Type = 4 ;4
DosList_Task = 8 ;4
DosList_Lock = 12 ;4
DosList_Misc = 16 ;24
DosList_Misc.handler = 16 ;24
DosList_Misc.handler.handler = 16 ;4
DosList_Misc.handler.StackSize = 20 ;4
DosList_Misc.handler.Priority = 24 ;4
DosList_Misc.handler.Startup = 28 ;4
DosList_Misc.handler.SegList = 32 ;4
DosList_Misc.handler.GlobVec = 36 ;4
DosList_Misc.volume = 16 ;20
DosList_Misc.volume.VolumeDate = 16 ;12
DosList_Misc.volume.LockList = 28 ;4
DosList_Misc.volume.DiskType = 32 ;4
DosList_Misc.assign = 16 ;8
DosList_Misc.assign.AssignName = 16 ;4
DosList_Misc.assign.List = 20 ;4
DosList_Name = 40 ;4
; ** DosPacket **
DosPacket_SIZEOF = 48
DosPacket_Link = 0 ;4
DosPacket_Port = 4 ;4
DosPacket_Type = 8 ;4
DosPacket_Res1 = 12 ;4
DosPacket_Res2 = 16 ;4
DosPacket_Arg1 = 20 ;4
DosPacket_Arg2 = 24 ;4
DosPacket_Arg3 = 28 ;4
DosPacket_Arg4 = 32 ;4
DosPacket_Arg5 = 36 ;4
DosPacket_Arg6 = 40 ;4
DosPacket_Arg7 = 44 ;4
; ** DrawerData **
DrawerData_SIZEOF = 62
DrawerData_NewWindow = 0 ;48
DrawerData_CurrentX = 48 ;4
DrawerData_CurrentY = 52 ;4
DrawerData_Flags = 56 ;4
DrawerData_ViewModes = 60 ;2
; ** DrawInfo **
DrawInfo_SIZEOF = 50
DrawInfo_Version = 0 ;2
DrawInfo_NumPens = 2 ;2
DrawInfo_Pens = 4 ;4
DrawInfo_Font = 8 ;4
DrawInfo_Depth = 12 ;2
DrawInfo_Resolution = 14 ;4
DrawInfo_Resolution.X = 14 ;2
DrawInfo_Resolution.Y = 16 ;2
DrawInfo_Flags = 18 ;4
DrawInfo_CheckMark = 22 ;4
DrawInfo_AmigaKey = 26 ;4
DrawInfo_Reserved = 30 ;4
; ** DriveGeometry **
DriveGeometry_SIZEOF = 32
DriveGeometry_SectorSize = 0 ;4
DriveGeometry_TotalSectors = 4 ;4
DriveGeometry_Cylinders = 8 ;4
DriveGeometry_CylSectors = 12 ;4
DriveGeometry_Heads = 16 ;4
DriveGeometry_TrackSectors = 20 ;4
DriveGeometry_BufMemType = 24 ;4
DriveGeometry_DeviceType = 28 ;1
DriveGeometry_Flags = 29 ;1
DriveGeometry_Reserved = 30 ;2
; ** dtDraw **
dtDraw_SIZEOF = 36
dtDraw_MethodID = 0 ;4
dtDraw_RPort = 4 ;4
dtDraw_Left = 8 ;4
dtDraw_Top = 12 ;4
dtDraw_Width = 16 ;4
dtDraw_Height = 20 ;4
dtDraw_TopHoriz = 24 ;4
dtDraw_TopVert = 28 ;4
dtDraw_AttrList = 32 ;4
; ** dtFrameBox **
dtFrameBox_SIZEOF = 24
dtFrameBox_MethodID = 0 ;4
dtFrameBox_GInfo = 4 ;4
dtFrameBox_ContentsInfo = 8 ;4
dtFrameBox_FrameInfo = 12 ;4
dtFrameBox_SizeFrameInfo = 16 ;4
dtFrameBox_FrameFlags = 20 ;4
; ** dtGeneral **
dtGeneral_SIZEOF = 8
dtGeneral_MethodID = 0 ;4
dtGeneral_GInfo = 4 ;4
; ** dtGoto **
dtGoto_SIZEOF = 16
dtGoto_MethodID = 0 ;4
dtGoto_GInfo = 4 ;4
dtGoto_NodeName = 8 ;4
dtGoto_AttrList = 12 ;4
; ** DTHookContext **
DTHookContext_SIZEOF = 40
DTHookContext_SysBase = 0 ;4
DTHookContext_DosBase = 4 ;4
DTHookContext_IFFParseBase = 8 ;4
DTHookContext_UtilityBase = 12 ;4
DTHookContext_Lock = 16 ;4
DTHookContext_FIB = 20 ;4
DTHookContext_FileHandle = 24 ;4
DTHookContext_IFF = 28 ;4
DTHookContext_Buffer = 32 ;4
DTHookContext_BufferLength = 36 ;4
; ** DTMethod **
DTMethod_SIZEOF = 12
DTMethod_Label = 0 ;4
DTMethod_Command = 4 ;4
DTMethod_Method = 8 ;4
; ** dtPrint **
dtPrint_SIZEOF = 16
dtPrint_MethodID = 0 ;4
dtPrint_GInfo = 4 ;4
dtPrint_PIO = 8 ;4
dtPrint_AttrList = 12 ;4
; ** dtSelect **
dtSelect_SIZEOF = 16
dtSelect_MethodID = 0 ;4
dtSelect_GInfo = 4 ;4
dtSelect_Select = 8 ;8
; ** DTSpecialInfo **
DTSpecialInfo_SIZEOF = 90
DTSpecialInfo_Lock = 0 ;46
DTSpecialInfo_Flags = 46 ;4
DTSpecialInfo_TopVert = 50 ;4
DTSpecialInfo_VisVert = 54 ;4
DTSpecialInfo_TotVert = 58 ;4
DTSpecialInfo_OTopVert = 62 ;4
DTSpecialInfo_VertUnit = 66 ;4
DTSpecialInfo_TopHoriz = 70 ;4
DTSpecialInfo_VisHoriz = 74 ;4
DTSpecialInfo_TotHoriz = 78 ;4
DTSpecialInfo_OTopHoriz = 82 ;4
DTSpecialInfo_HorizUnit = 86 ;4
; ** dtTrigger **
dtTrigger_SIZEOF = 16
dtTrigger_MethodID = 0 ;4
dtTrigger_GInfo = 4 ;4
dtTrigger_Function = 8 ;4
dtTrigger_Data = 12 ;4
; ** dtWrite **
dtWrite_SIZEOF = 20
dtWrite_MethodID = 0 ;4
dtWrite_GInfo = 4 ;4
dtWrite_FileHandle = 8 ;4
dtWrite_Mode = 12 ;4
dtWrite_AttrList = 16 ;4
;;** EasyStruct **
EasyStruct_SIZEOF = 20
EasyStruct_StructSize = 0 ;4
EasyStruct_Flags = 4 ;4
EasyStruct_Title = 8 ;4
EasyStruct_TextFormat = 12 ;4
EasyStruct_GadgetFormat = 16 ;4
; ** EClockVal **
EClockVal_SIZEOF = 8
EClockVal_Hi = 0 ;4
EClockVal_Lo = 4 ;4
; ** ErrorString **
ErrorString_SIZEOF = 8
ErrorString_Nums = 0 ;4
ErrorString_Strings = 4 ;4
; ** ExAllControl **
ExAllControl_SIZEOF = 16
ExAllControl_Entries = 0 ;4
ExAllControl_LastKey = 4 ;4
ExAllControl_MatchString = 8 ;4
ExAllControl_MatchFunc = 12 ;4
; ** ExAllData **
ExAllData_SIZEOF = 40
ExAllData_Next = 0 ;4
ExAllData_Name = 4 ;4
ExAllData_Type = 8 ;4
ExAllData_Size = 12 ;4
ExAllData_Prot = 16 ;4
ExAllData_Days = 20 ;4
ExAllData_Mins = 24 ;4
ExAllData_Ticks = 28 ;4
ExAllData_Comment = 32 ;4
ExAllData_OwnerUID = 36 ;2
ExAllData_OwnerGID = 38 ;2
; ** ExpansionControl **
ExpansionControl_SIZEOF = 16
ExpansionControl_Interrupt = 0 ;1
ExpansionControl_Z3_HighBase = 1 ;1
ExpansionControl_BaseAddress = 2 ;1
ExpansionControl_Shutup = 3 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved14 = 4 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved15 = 5 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved16 = 6 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved17 = 7 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved18 = 8 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved19 = 9 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved1a = 10 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved1b = 11 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved1c = 12 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved1d = 13 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved1e = 14 ;1
ExpansionControl_Reserved1f = 15 ;1
; ** ExpansionRom **
ExpansionRom_SIZEOF = 16
ExpansionRom_Type = 0 ;1
ExpansionRom_Product = 1 ;1
ExpansionRom_Flags = 2 ;1
ExpansionRom_Reserved03 = 3 ;1
ExpansionRom_Manufacturer = 4 ;2
ExpansionRom_SerialNumber = 6 ;4
ExpansionRom_InitDiagVec = 10 ;2
ExpansionRom_Reserved0c = 12 ;1
ExpansionRom_Reserved0d = 13 ;1
ExpansionRom_Reserved0e = 14 ;1
ExpansionRom_Reserved0f = 15 ;1
; ** ExtendedNode **
ExtendedNode_SIZEOF = 24
ExtendedNode_Succ = 0 ;4
ExtendedNode_Pred = 4 ;4
ExtendedNode_Type = 8 ;1
ExtendedNode_Pri = 9 ;1
ExtendedNode_Name = 10 ;4
ExtendedNode_SubSystem = 14 ;1
ExtendedNode_SubType = 15 ;1
ExtendedNode_Library = 16 ;4
ExtendedNode_Init = 20 ;4
; ** ExtGadget **
ExtGadget_SIZEOF = 56
ExtGadget_NextGadget = 0 ;4
ExtGadget_LeftEdge = 4 ;2
ExtGadget_TopEdge = 6 ;2
ExtGadget_Width = 8 ;2
ExtGadget_Height = 10 ;2
ExtGadget_Flags = 12 ;2
ExtGadget_Activation = 14 ;2
ExtGadget_GadgetType = 16 ;2
ExtGadget_GadgetRender = 18 ;4
ExtGadget_SelectRender = 22 ;4
ExtGadget_GadgetText = 26 ;4
ExtGadget_MutualExclude = 30 ;4
ExtGadget_SpecialInfo = 34 ;4
ExtGadget_GadgetID = 38 ;2
ExtGadget_UserData = 40 ;4
ExtGadget_MoreFlags = 44 ;4
ExtGadget_BoundsLeftEdge = 48 ;2
ExtGadget_BoundsTopEdge = 50 ;2
ExtGadget_BoundsWidth = 52 ;2
ExtGadget_BoundsHeight = 54 ;2
; ** ExtIntuiMessage **
ExtIntuiMessage_SIZEOF = 56
ExtIntuiMessage_IntuiMessage = 0 ;52
ExtIntuiMessage_TabletData = 52 ;4
; ** ExtNewScreen **
ExtNewScreen_SIZEOF = 36
ExtNewScreen_LeftEdge = 0 ;2
ExtNewScreen_TopEdge = 2 ;2
ExtNewScreen_Width = 4 ;2
ExtNewScreen_Height = 6 ;2
ExtNewScreen_Depth = 8 ;2
ExtNewScreen_DetailPen = 10 ;1
ExtNewScreen_BlockPen = 11 ;1
ExtNewScreen_ViewModes = 12 ;2
ExtNewScreen_Type = 14 ;2
ExtNewScreen_Font = 16 ;4
ExtNewScreen_DefaultTitle = 20 ;4
ExtNewScreen_Gadgets = 24 ;4
ExtNewScreen_CustomBitmap = 28 ;4
ExtNewScreen_Extension = 32 ;4
; ** ExtNewWindow **
ExtNewWindow_SIZEOF = 52
ExtNewWindow_LeftEdge = 0 ;2
ExtNewWindow_TopEdge = 2 ;2
ExtNewWindow_Width = 4 ;2
ExtNewWindow_Height = 6 ;2
ExtNewWindow_DetailPen = 8 ;1
ExtNewWindow_BlockPen = 9 ;1
ExtNewWindow_IDCMPFlags = 10 ;4
ExtNewWindow_Flags = 14 ;4
ExtNewWindow_FirstGadget = 18 ;4
ExtNewWindow_CheckMark = 22 ;4
ExtNewWindow_Title = 26 ;4
ExtNewWindow_Screen = 30 ;4
ExtNewWindow_BitMap = 34 ;4
ExtNewWindow_MinWidth = 38 ;2
ExtNewWindow_MinHeight = 40 ;2
ExtNewWindow_MaxWidth = 42 ;2
ExtNewWindow_MaxHeight = 44 ;2
ExtNewWindow_Type = 46 ;2
ExtNewWindow_Extension = 48 ;4
; ** ExtSprites **
ExtSprites_SIZEOF = 16
ExtSprites_SimpleSprite = 0 ;12
ExtSprites_WordWidth = 12 ;2
ExtSprites_Flags = 14 ;2
;;** FileHandle **
FileHandle_SIZEOF = 44
FileHandle_Link = 0 ;4
FileHandle_Port = 4 ;4
FileHandle_Type = 8 ;4
FileHandle_Buf = 12 ;4
FileHandle_Pos = 16 ;4
FileHandle_End = 20 ;4
FileHandle_Funcs = 24 ;4
FileHandle_Func2 = 28 ;4
FileHandle_Func3 = 32 ;4
FileHandle_Args = 36 ;4
FileHandle_Arg2 = 40 ;4
; ** FileInfoBlock **
FileInfoBlock_SIZEOF = 260
FileInfoBlock_DiskKey = 0 ;4
FileInfoBlock_DirEntryType = 4 ;4
FileInfoBlock_FileName = 8 ;1
FileInfoBlock_Protection = 116 ;4
FileInfoBlock_EntryType = 120 ;4
FileInfoBlock_Size = 124 ;4
FileInfoBlock_NumBlocks = 128 ;4
FileInfoBlock_Date = 132 ;12
FileInfoBlock_Comment = 144 ;1
FileInfoBlock_OwnerUID = 224 ;2
FileInfoBlock_OwnerGID = 226 ;2
FileInfoBlock_Reserved = 228 ;1
; ** FileLock **
FileLock_SIZEOF = 20
FileLock_Link = 0 ;4
FileLock_Key = 4 ;4
FileLock_Access = 8 ;4
FileLock_Task = 12 ;4
FileLock_Volume = 16 ;4
; ** FileRequester **
FileRequester_SIZEOF = 56
FileRequester_Reserved = 0 ;1
FileRequester_File = 4 ;4
FileRequester_Drawer = 8 ;4
FileRequester_Reserved1 = 12 ;1
FileRequester_LeftEdge = 22 ;2
FileRequester_TopEdge = 24 ;2
FileRequester_Width = 26 ;2
FileRequester_Height = 28 ;2
FileRequester_Reserved2 = 30 ;1
FileRequester_NumArgs = 32 ;4
FileRequester_ArgList = 36 ;4
FileRequester_UserData = 40 ;4
FileRequester_Reserved3 = 44 ;1
FileRequester_Pattern = 52 ;4
; ** FileSysEntry **
FileSysEntry_SIZEOF = 62
FileSysEntry_Node = 0 ;14
FileSysEntry_DosType = 14 ;4
FileSysEntry_Version = 18 ;4
FileSysEntry_PatchFlags = 22 ;4
FileSysEntry_Type = 26 ;4
FileSysEntry_Task = 30 ;4
FileSysEntry_Lock = 34 ;4
FileSysEntry_Handler = 38 ;4
FileSysEntry_StackSize = 42 ;4
FileSysEntry_Priority = 46 ;4
FileSysEntry_Startup = 50 ;4
FileSysEntry_SegList = 54 ;4
FileSysEntry_GlobalVec = 58 ;4
; ** FileSysHeaderBlock **
FileSysHeaderBlock_SIZEOF = 256
FileSysHeaderBlock_ID = 0 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_SummedLongs = 4 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_ChkSum = 8 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_HostID = 12 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Next = 16 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Flags = 20 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Reserved1 = 24 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_DosType = 32 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Version = 36 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_PatchFlags = 40 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Type = 44 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Task = 48 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Lock = 52 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Handler = 56 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_StackSize = 60 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Priority = 64 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Startup = 68 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_SegListBlocks = 72 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_GlobalVec = 76 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Reserved2 = 80 ;4
FileSysHeaderBlock_Reserved3 = 172 ;4
; ** FileSysResource **
FileSysResource_SIZEOF = 32
FileSysResource_Node = 0 ;14
FileSysResource_Creator = 14 ;4
FileSysResource_FileSysEntries = 18 ;14
; ** FileSysStartupMsg **
FileSysStartupMsg_SIZEOF = 16
FileSysStartupMsg_Unit = 0 ;4
FileSysStartupMsg_Device = 4 ;4
FileSysStartupMsg_Environ = 8 ;4
FileSysStartupMsg_Flags = 12 ;4
; ** FontContents **
FontContents_SIZEOF = 260
FontContents_FileName = 0 ;1
FontContents_YSize = 256 ;2
FontContents_Style = 258 ;1
FontContents_Flags = 259 ;1
; ** FontContentsHeader **
FontContentsHeader_SIZEOF = 4
FontContentsHeader_FileID = 0 ;2
FontContentsHeader_NumEntries = 2 ;2
; ** FontPrefs **
FontPrefs_SIZEOF = 156
FontPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
FontPrefs_Reserved2 = 12 ;2
FontPrefs_Type = 14 ;2
FontPrefs_FrontPen = 16 ;1
FontPrefs_BackPen = 17 ;1
FontPrefs_DrawMode = 18 ;1
FontPrefs_TextAttr = 20 ;8
FontPrefs_Name = 28 ;1
; ** FontRequester **
FontRequester_SIZEOF = 44
FontRequester_Reserved0 = 0 ;1
FontRequester_Attr = 8 ;8
FontRequester_FrontPen = 16 ;1
FontRequester_BackPen = 17 ;1
FontRequester_DrawMode = 18 ;1
FontRequester_Reserved1 = 19 ;1
FontRequester_UserData = 20 ;4
FontRequester_LeftEdge = 24 ;2
FontRequester_TopEdge = 26 ;2
FontRequester_Width = 28 ;2
FontRequester_Height = 30 ;2
FontRequester_TAttr = 32 ;12
; ** FrameInfo **
FrameInfo_SIZEOF = 36
FrameInfo_PropertyFlags = 0 ;4
FrameInfo_Resolution = 4 ;4
FrameInfo_RedBits = 8 ;1
FrameInfo_GreenBits = 9 ;1
FrameInfo_BlueBits = 10 ;1
FrameInfo_Dimensions = 12 ;12
FrameInfo_Dimensions.Width = 12 ;4
FrameInfo_Dimensions.Height = 16 ;4
FrameInfo_Dimensions.Depth = 20 ;4
FrameInfo_Screen = 24 ;4
FrameInfo_ColorMap = 28 ;4
FrameInfo_Flags = 32 ;4
; ** FreeList **
FreeList_SIZEOF = 16
FreeList_NumFree = 0 ;2
FreeList_MemList = 2 ;14
;;** Gadget **
Gadget_SIZEOF = 44
Gadget_NextGadget = 0 ;4
Gadget_LeftEdge = 4 ;2
Gadget_TopEdge = 6 ;2
Gadget_Width = 8 ;2
Gadget_Height = 10 ;2
Gadget_Flags = 12 ;2
Gadget_Activation = 14 ;2
Gadget_GadgetType = 16 ;2
Gadget_GadgetRender = 18 ;4
Gadget_SelectRender = 22 ;4
Gadget_GadgetText = 26 ;4
Gadget_MutualExclude = 30 ;4
Gadget_SpecialInfo = 34 ;4
Gadget_GadgetID = 38 ;2
Gadget_UserData = 40 ;4
; ** GadgetInfo **
GadgetInfo_SIZEOF = 58
GadgetInfo_Screen = 0 ;4
GadgetInfo_Window = 4 ;4
GadgetInfo_Requester = 8 ;4
GadgetInfo_RastPort = 12 ;4
GadgetInfo_Layer = 16 ;4
GadgetInfo_Domain = 20 ;8
GadgetInfo_Pens = 28 ;2
GadgetInfo_Pens.DetailPen = 28 ;1
GadgetInfo_Pens.BlockPen = 29 ;1
GadgetInfo_DrInfo = 30 ;4
GadgetInfo_Reserved = 34 ;4
; ** GamePortTrigger **
GamePortTrigger_SIZEOF = 8
GamePortTrigger_Keys = 0 ;2
GamePortTrigger_Timeout = 2 ;2
GamePortTrigger_XDelta = 4 ;2
GamePortTrigger_YDelta = 6 ;2
; ** GelsInfo **
GelsInfo_SIZEOF = 38
GelsInfo_SprRsrvd = 0 ;1
GelsInfo_Flags = 1 ;1
GelsInfo_GelHead = 2 ;4
GelsInfo_GelTail = 6 ;4
GelsInfo_NextLine = 10 ;4
GelsInfo_LastColor = 14 ;4
GelsInfo_CollHandler = 18 ;4
GelsInfo_LeftMost = 22 ;2
GelsInfo_RightMost = 24 ;2
GelsInfo_TopMost = 26 ;2
GelsInfo_BottomMost = 28 ;2
GelsInfo_FirstBlissObj = 30 ;4
GelsInfo_LastBlissObj = 34 ;4
; ** GlyphEngine **
GlyphEngine_SIZEOF = 8
GlyphEngine_Library = 0 ;4
GlyphEngine_Name = 4 ;4
; ** GlyphMap **
GlyphMap_SIZEOF = 36
GlyphMap_BMModulo = 0 ;2
GlyphMap_BMRows = 2 ;2
GlyphMap_BlackLeft = 4 ;2
GlyphMap_BlackTop = 6 ;2
GlyphMap_BlackWidth = 8 ;2
GlyphMap_BlackHeight = 10 ;2
GlyphMap_XOrigin = 12 ;4
GlyphMap_YOrigin = 16 ;4
GlyphMap_X0 = 20 ;2
GlyphMap_Y0 = 22 ;2
GlyphMap_X1 = 24 ;2
GlyphMap_Y1 = 26 ;2
GlyphMap_Width = 28 ;4
GlyphMap_BitMap = 32 ;4
; ** GlyphWidthEntry **
GlyphWidthEntry_SIZEOF = 14
GlyphWidthEntry_Node = 0 ;8
GlyphWidthEntry_Code = 8 ;2
GlyphWidthEntry_Width = 10 ;4
; ** gpGoInactive **
gpGoInactive_SIZEOF = 12
gpGoInactive_MethodID = 0 ;4
gpGoInactive_GInfo = 4 ;4
gpGoInactive_Abort = 8 ;4
; ** gpHitTest **
gpHitTest_SIZEOF = 12
gpHitTest_MethodID = 0 ;4
gpHitTest_GInfo = 4 ;4
gpHitTest_Mouse = 8 ;4
gpHitTest_Mouse.X = 8 ;2
gpHitTest_Mouse.Y = 10 ;2
; ** gpInput **
gpInput_SIZEOF = 24
gpInput_MethodID = 0 ;4
gpInput_GInfo = 4 ;4
gpInput_IEvent = 8 ;4
gpInput_Termination = 12 ;4
gpInput_Mouse = 16 ;4
gpInput_Mouse.X = 16 ;2
gpInput_Mouse.Y = 18 ;2
gpInput_TabletData = 20 ;4
; ** gpLayout **
gpLayout_SIZEOF = 12
gpLayout_MethodID = 0 ;4
gpLayout_GInfo = 4 ;4
gpLayout_Initial = 8 ;4
; ** gpRender **
gpRender_SIZEOF = 16
gpRender_MethodID = 0 ;4
gpRender_GInfo = 4 ;4
gpRender_RPort = 8 ;4
gpRender_Redraw = 12 ;4
;;** Hook **
Hook_SIZEOF = 20
Hook_MinNode = 0 ;8
Hook_Entry = 8 ;4
Hook_SubEntry = 12 ;4
Hook_Data = 16 ;4
;;** IBox **
IBox_Left = 0 ;2
IBox_Top = 2 ;2
IBox_Width = 4 ;2
IBox_Height = 6 ;2
; ** IControlPrefs **
IControlPrefs_SIZEOF = 28
IControlPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
IControlPrefs_TimeOut = 16 ;2
IControlPrefs_MetaDrag = 18 ;2
IControlPrefs_Flags = 20 ;4
IControlPrefs_WBToFront = 24 ;1
IControlPrefs_FrontToBack = 25 ;1
IControlPrefs_ReqTrue = 26 ;1
IControlPrefs_ReqFalse = 27 ;1
; ** IENewTablet **
IENewTablet_SIZEOF = 32
IENewTablet_CallBack = 0 ;4
IENewTablet_ScaledX = 4 ;2
IENewTablet_ScaledY = 6 ;2
IENewTablet_ScaledXFraction = 8 ;2
IENewTablet_ScaledYFraction = 10 ;2
IENewTablet_TabletX = 12 ;4
IENewTablet_TabletY = 16 ;4
IENewTablet_RangeX = 20 ;4
IENewTablet_RangeY = 24 ;4
IENewTablet_TagList = 28 ;4
; ** IEPointerPixel **
IEPointerPixel_SIZEOF = 8
IEPointerPixel_Screen = 0 ;4
IEPointerPixel_Position = 4 ;4
IEPointerPixel_Position.X = 4 ;2
IEPointerPixel_Position.Y = 6 ;2
; ** IEPointerTablet **
IEPointerTablet_SIZEOF = 10
IEPointerTablet_Range = 0 ;4
IEPointerTablet_Range.X = 0 ;2
IEPointerTablet_Range.Y = 2 ;2
IEPointerTablet_Value = 4 ;4
IEPointerTablet_Value.X = 4 ;2
IEPointerTablet_Value.Y = 6 ;2
IEPointerTablet_Pressure = 8 ;2
; ** IFFHandle **
IFFHandle_SIZEOF = 12
IFFHandle_Stream = 0 ;4
IFFHandle_Flags = 4 ;4
IFFHandle_Depth = 8 ;4
; ** IFFStreamCmd **
IFFStreamCmd_SIZEOF = 12
IFFStreamCmd_Command = 0 ;4
IFFStreamCmd_Buf = 4 ;4
IFFStreamCmd_NBytes = 8 ;4
; ** Image **
Image_SIZEOF = 20
Image_LeftEdge = 0 ;2
Image_TopEdge = 2 ;2
Image_Width = 4 ;2
Image_Height = 6 ;2
Image_Depth = 8 ;2
Image_ImageData = 10 ;4
Image_PlanePick = 14 ;1
Image_PlaneOnOff = 15 ;1
Image_NextImage = 16 ;4
; ** impDraw **
impDraw_SIZEOF = 24
impDraw_MethodID = 0 ;4
impDraw_RPort = 4 ;4
impDraw_Offset = 8 ;4
impDraw_Offset.X = 8 ;2
impDraw_Offset.Y = 10 ;2
impDraw_State = 12 ;4
impDraw_DrInfo = 16 ;4
impDraw_Dimensions = 20 ;4
impDraw_Dimensions.Width = 20 ;2
impDraw_Dimensions.Height = 22 ;2
; ** impErase **
impErase_SIZEOF = 16
impErase_MethodID = 0 ;4
impErase_RPort = 4 ;4
impErase_Offset = 8 ;4
impErase_Offset.X = 8 ;2
impErase_Offset.Y = 10 ;2
impErase_Dimensions = 12 ;4
impErase_Dimensions.Width = 12 ;2
impErase_Dimensions.Height = 14 ;2
; ** impFrameBox **
impFrameBox_SIZEOF = 20
impFrameBox_MethodID = 0 ;4
impFrameBox_ContentsBox = 4 ;4
impFrameBox_FrameBox = 8 ;4
impFrameBox_DrInfo = 12 ;4
impFrameBox_FrameFlags = 16 ;4
; ** impHitTest **
impHitTest_SIZEOF = 12
impHitTest_MethodID = 0 ;4
impHitTest_Point = 4 ;4
impHitTest_Point.X = 4 ;2
impHitTest_Point.Y = 6 ;2
impHitTest_Dimensions = 8 ;4
impHitTest_Dimensions.Width = 8 ;2
impHitTest_Dimensions.Height = 10 ;2
; ** InfoData **
InfoData_SIZEOF = 36
InfoData_NumSoftErrors = 0 ;4
InfoData_UnitNumber = 4 ;4
InfoData_DiskState = 8 ;4
InfoData_NumBlocks = 12 ;4
InfoData_NumBlocksUsed = 16 ;4
InfoData_BytesPerBlock = 20 ;4
InfoData_DiskType = 24 ;4
InfoData_VolumeNode = 28 ;4
InfoData_InUse = 32 ;4
; ** InputEvent **
InputEvent_SIZEOF = 22
InputEvent_NextEvent = 0 ;4
InputEvent_Class = 4 ;1
InputEvent_SubClass = 5 ;1
InputEvent_Code = 6 ;2
InputEvent_Qualifier = 8 ;2
InputEvent_Position = 10 ;4
InputEvent_Position.xy = 10 ;4
InputEvent_Position.xy.x = 10 ;2
InputEvent_Position.xy.y = 12 ;2
InputEvent_Position.addr = 10 ;4
InputEvent_Position.dead = 10 ;4
InputEvent_Position.dead.prev1DownCode = 10 ;1
InputEvent_Position.dead.prev1DownQual = 11 ;1
InputEvent_Position.dead.prev2DownCode = 12 ;1
InputEvent_Position.dead.prev2DownQual = 13 ;1
InputEvent_TimeStamp = 14 ;8
; ** InputPrefs **
InputPrefs_SIZEOF = 44
InputPrefs_KeyMap = 0 ;1
InputPrefs_PointerTicks = 16 ;2
InputPrefs_DoubleClick = 18 ;8
InputPrefs_KeyRptDelay = 26 ;8
InputPrefs_KeyRptSpeed = 34 ;8
InputPrefs_MouseAccel = 42 ;2
; ** InputXPression **
InputXPression_SIZEOF = 12
InputXPression_Version = 0 ;1
InputXPression_Class = 1 ;1
InputXPression_Code = 2 ;2
InputXPression_CodeMask = 4 ;2
InputXPression_Qualifier = 6 ;2
InputXPression_QualMask = 8 ;2
InputXPression_QualSame = 10 ;2
; ** Interrupt **
Interrupt_SIZEOF = 22
Interrupt_Node = 0 ;14
Interrupt_Data = 14 ;4
Interrupt_Code = 18 ;4
; ** IntuiMessage **
IntuiMessage_SIZEOF = 52
IntuiMessage_ExecMessage = 0 ;20
IntuiMessage_Class = 20 ;4
IntuiMessage_Code = 24 ;2
IntuiMessage_Qualifier = 26 ;2
IntuiMessage_IAddress = 28 ;4
IntuiMessage_MouseX = 32 ;2
IntuiMessage_MouseY = 34 ;2
IntuiMessage_Seconds = 36 ;4
IntuiMessage_Micros = 40 ;4
IntuiMessage_IDCMPWindow = 44 ;4
IntuiMessage_SpecialLink = 48 ;4
; ** IntuiText **
IntuiText_SIZEOF = 20
IntuiText_FrontPen = 0 ;1
IntuiText_BackPen = 1 ;1
IntuiText_DrawMode = 2 ;1
IntuiText_LeftEdge = 4 ;2
IntuiText_TopEdge = 6 ;2
IntuiText_ITextFont = 8 ;4
IntuiText_IText = 12 ;4
IntuiText_NextText = 16 ;4
; ** IntVector **
IntVector_SIZEOF = 12
IntVector_Data = 0 ;4
IntVector_Code = 4 ;4
IntVector_Node = 8 ;4
; ** IOAudio **
IOAudio_SIZEOF = 68
IOAudio_Request = 0 ;32
IOAudio_AllocKey = 32 ;2
IOAudio_Data = 34 ;4
IOAudio_Length = 38 ;4
IOAudio_Period = 42 ;2
IOAudio_Volume = 44 ;2
IOAudio_Cycles = 46 ;2
IOAudio_WriteMsg = 48 ;20
; ** IOBuff **
IOBuff_SIZEOF = 256
IOBuff_Node = 0 ;32
IOBuff_Rpt = 32 ;4
IOBuff_Rct = 36 ;4
IOBuff_DFH = 40 ;4
IOBuff_Lock = 44 ;4
IOBuff_Bct = 48 ;4
IOBuff_Area = 52 ;1
; ** IOClipReq **
IOClipReq_SIZEOF = 52
IOClipReq_Message = 0 ;20
IOClipReq_Device = 20 ;4
IOClipReq_Unit = 24 ;4
IOClipReq_Command = 28 ;2
IOClipReq_Flags = 30 ;1
IOClipReq_Error = 31 ;1
IOClipReq_Actual = 32 ;4
IOClipReq_Length = 36 ;4
IOClipReq_Data = 40 ;4
IOClipReq_Offset = 44 ;4
IOClipReq_ClipID = 48 ;4
; ** IODRPReq **
IODRPReq_Message = 0 ;20
IODRPReq_Device = 20 ;4
IODRPReq_Unit = 24 ;4
IODRPReq_Command = 28 ;2
IODRPReq_Flags = 30 ;1
IODRPReq_Error = 31 ;1
IODRPReq_RastPort = 32 ;4
IODRPReq_ColorMap = 36 ;4
IODRPReq_Modes = 40 ;4
IODRPReq_SrcX = 44 ;2
IODRPReq_SrcY = 46 ;2
IODRPReq_SrcWidth = 48 ;2
IODRPReq_SrcHeight = 50 ;2
IODRPReq_DestCols = 52 ;4
IODRPReq_DestRows = 56 ;4
IODRPReq_Special = 60 ;2
; ** IOExtPar **
IOExtPar_SIZEOF = 62
IOExtPar_IOPar = 0 ;48
IOExtPar_PExtFlags = 48 ;4
IOExtPar_Status = 52 ;1
IOExtPar_ParFlags = 53 ;1
IOExtPar_PTermArray = 54 ;8
; ** IOExtSer **
IOExtSer_SIZEOF = 82
IOExtSer_IOSer = 0 ;48
IOExtSer_CtlChar = 48 ;4
IOExtSer_RBufLen = 52 ;4
IOExtSer_ExtFlags = 56 ;4
IOExtSer_Baud = 60 ;4
IOExtSer_BrkTime = 64 ;4
IOExtSer_TermArray = 68 ;8
IOExtSer_ReadLen = 76 ;1
IOExtSer_WriteLen = 77 ;1
IOExtSer_StopBits = 78 ;1
IOExtSer_SerFlags = 79 ;1
IOExtSer_Status = 80 ;2
; ** IOExtTD **
IOExtTD_Req = 0 ;48
IOExtTD_Count = 48 ;4
IOExtTD_SecLabel = 52 ;4
; ** IOPArray **
IOPArray_PTermArray0 = 0 ;4
IOPArray_PTermArray1 = 4 ;4
; ** IOPrtCmdReq **
IOPrtCmdReq_SIZEOF = 38
IOPrtCmdReq_Message = 0 ;20
IOPrtCmdReq_Device = 20 ;4
IOPrtCmdReq_Unit = 24 ;4
IOPrtCmdReq_Command = 28 ;2
IOPrtCmdReq_Flags = 30 ;1
IOPrtCmdReq_Error = 31 ;1
IOPrtCmdReq_PrtCommand = 32 ;2
IOPrtCmdReq_Parm0 = 34 ;1
IOPrtCmdReq_Parm1 = 35 ;1
IOPrtCmdReq_Parm2 = 36 ;1
IOPrtCmdReq_Parm3 = 37 ;1
; ** IORequest **
IORequest_SIZEOF = 32
IORequest_Message = 0 ;20
IORequest_Device = 20 ;4
IORequest_Unit = 24 ;4
IORequest_Command = 28 ;2
IORequest_Flags = 30 ;1
IORequest_Error = 31 ;1
; ** IOStdReq **
IOStdReq_SIZEOF = 48
IOStdReq_Message = 0 ;20
IOStdReq_Device = 20 ;4
IOStdReq_Unit = 24 ;4
IOStdReq_Command = 28 ;2
IOStdReq_Flags = 30 ;1
IOStdReq_Error = 31 ;1
IOStdReq_Actual = 32 ;4
IOStdReq_Length = 36 ;4
IOStdReq_Data = 40 ;4
IOStdReq_Offset = 44 ;4
; ** IOTArray **
IOTArray_TermArray0 = 0 ;4
IOTArray_TermArray1 = 4 ;4
; ** Isrvstr **
Isrvstr_SIZEOF = 30
Isrvstr_Node = 0 ;14
Isrvstr_Iptr = 14 ;4
Isrvstr_Code = 18 ;4
Isrvstr_CCode = 22 ;4
Isrvstr_CArg = 26 ;4
;;** KeyMap **
KeyMap_SIZEOF = 32
KeyMap_LoKeyMapTypes = 0 ;4
KeyMap_LoKeyMap = 4 ;4
KeyMap_LoCapsable = 8 ;4
KeyMap_LoRepeatable = 12 ;4
KeyMap_HiKeyMapTypes = 16 ;4
KeyMap_HiKeyMap = 20 ;4
KeyMap_HiCapsable = 24 ;4
KeyMap_HiRepeatable = 28 ;4
; ** KeyMapNode **
KeyMapNode_SIZEOF = 46
KeyMapNode_Node = 0 ;14
KeyMapNode_KeyMap = 14 ;32
; ** KeyMapResource **
KeyMapResource_SIZEOF = 28
KeyMapResource_Node = 0 ;14
KeyMapResource_List = 14 ;14
; ** KeyQuery **
KeyQuery_SIZEOF = 4
KeyQuery_KeyCode = 0 ;2
KeyQuery_Pressed = 2 ;2
;;** Layer **
Layer_SIZEOF = 160
Layer_Front = 0 ;4
Layer_Back = 4 ;4
Layer_ClipRect = 8 ;4
Layer_RastPort = 12 ;4
Layer_Bounds = 16 ;8
Layer_Reserved = 24 ;1
Layer_Priority = 28 ;2
Layer_Flags = 30 ;2
Layer_SuperBitMap = 32 ;4
Layer_SuperClipRect = 36 ;4
Layer_Window = 40 ;4
Layer_Scroll_X = 44 ;2
Layer_Scroll_Y = 46 ;2
Layer_cr = 48 ;4
Layer_cr2 = 52 ;4
Layer_crnew = 56 ;4
Layer_SuperSaveClipRects = 60 ;4
Layer_ClipRects = 64 ;4
Layer_LayerInfo = 68 ;4
Layer_Lock = 72 ;46
Layer_BackFill = 118 ;4
Layer_Reserved1 = 122 ;4
Layer_ClipRegion = 126 ;4
Layer_SaveClipRects = 130 ;4
Layer_Width = 134 ;2
Layer_Height = 136 ;2
Layer_Reserved2 = 138 ;1
Layer_DamageList = 156 ;4
; ** LayerInfo **
LayerInfo_SIZEOF = 102
LayerInfo_Top_Layer = 0 ;4
LayerInfo_Check_Lp = 4 ;4
LayerInfo_Obs = 8 ;4
LayerInfo_FreeClipRects = 12 ;4
LayerInfo_PrivateReserve1 = 16 ;4
LayerInfo_PrivateReserve2 = 20 ;4
LayerInfo_Lock = 24 ;46
LayerInfo_Gs_Head = 70 ;12
LayerInfo_PrivateReserve3 = 82 ;2
LayerInfo_PrivateReserve4 = 84 ;4
LayerInfo_Flags = 88 ;2
LayerInfo_Fatten_Count = 90 ;1
LayerInfo_LockLayersCount = 91 ;1
LayerInfo_PrivateReserve5 = 92 ;2
LayerInfo_BlankHook = 94 ;4
LayerInfo_LayerInfo_Extra = 98 ;4
; ** Library **
Library_SIZEOF = 34
Library_Node = 0 ;14
Library_Flags = 14 ;1
Library_Pad = 15 ;1
Library_NegSize = 16 ;2
Library_PosSize = 18 ;2
Library_Version = 20 ;2
Library_Revision = 22 ;2
Library_IDString = 24 ;4
Library_Sum = 28 ;4
Library_OpenCnt = 32 ;2
; ** Line **
Line_SIZEOF = 36
Line_Link = 0 ;8
Line_Text = 8 ;4
Line_TextLen = 12 ;4
Line_XOffset = 16 ;2
Line_YOffset = 18 ;2
Line_Width = 20 ;2
Line_Height = 22 ;2
Line_Flags = 24 ;2
Line_FgPen = 26 ;1
Line_BgPen = 27 ;1
Line_Style = 28 ;4
Line_Data = 32 ;4
; ** List **
List_SIZEOF = 14
List_Head = 0 ;4
List_Tail = 4 ;4
List_TailPred = 8 ;4
List_Type = 12 ;1
List_Pad = 13 ;1
; ** LoadSegBlock **
LoadSegBlock_SIZEOF = 512
LoadSegBlock_ID = 0 ;4
LoadSegBlock_SummedLongs = 4 ;4
LoadSegBlock_ChkSum = 8 ;4
LoadSegBlock_HostID = 12 ;4
LoadSegBlock_Next = 16 ;4
LoadSegBlock_LoadData = 20 ;4
; ** LocalContextItem **
LocalContextItem_SIZEOF = 20
LocalContextItem_Node = 0 ;8
LocalContextItem_ID = 8 ;4
LocalContextItem_Type = 12 ;4
LocalContextItem_Ident = 16 ;4
; ** LocalVar **
LocalVar_SIZEOF = 24
LocalVar_Node = 0 ;14
LocalVar_Flags = 14 ;2
LocalVar_Value = 16 ;4
LocalVar_Len = 20 ;4
; ** Locale **
Locale_SIZEOF = 168
Locale_LocaleName = 0 ;4
Locale_LanguageName = 4 ;4
Locale_PrefLanguages = 8 ;4
Locale_Flags = 48 ;4
Locale_CodeSet = 52 ;4
Locale_CountryCode = 56 ;4
Locale_TelephoneCode = 60 ;4
Locale_GMTOffset = 64 ;4
Locale_MeasuringSystem = 68 ;1
Locale_CalendarType = 69 ;1
Locale_Reserved0 = 70 ;1
Locale_DateTimeFormat = 72 ;4
Locale_DateFormat = 76 ;4
Locale_TimeFormat = 80 ;4
Locale_ShortDateTimeFormat = 84 ;4
Locale_ShortDateFormat = 88 ;4
Locale_ShortTimeFormat = 92 ;4
Locale_DecimalPoint = 96 ;4
Locale_GroupSeparator = 100 ;4
Locale_FracGroupSeparator = 104 ;4
Locale_Grouping = 108 ;4
Locale_FracGrouping = 112 ;4
Locale_MonDecimalPoint = 116 ;4
Locale_MonGroupSeparator = 120 ;4
Locale_MonFracGroupSeparator = 124 ;4
Locale_MonGrouping = 128 ;4
Locale_MonFracGrouping = 132 ;4
Locale_MonFracDigits = 136 ;1
Locale_MonIntFracDigits = 137 ;1
Locale_Reserved1 = 138 ;1
Locale_MonCS = 140 ;4
Locale_MonSmallCS = 144 ;4
Locale_MonIntCS = 148 ;4
Locale_MonPositiveSign = 152 ;4
Locale_MonPositiveSpaceSep = 156 ;1
Locale_MonPositiveSignPos = 157 ;1
Locale_MonPositiveCSPos = 158 ;1
Locale_Reserved2 = 159 ;1
Locale_MonNegativeSign = 160 ;4
Locale_MonNegativeSpaceSep = 164 ;1
Locale_MonNegativeSignPos = 165 ;1
Locale_MonNegativeCSPos = 166 ;1
Locale_Reserved3 = 167 ;1
; ** LocalePrefs **
LocalePrefs_SIZEOF = 860
LocalePrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
LocalePrefs_CountryName = 16 ;1
LocalePrefs_PreferredLanguages = 48 ;30
LocalePrefs_GMTOffset = 348 ;4
LocalePrefs_Flags = 352 ;4
LocalePrefs_CountryData = 356 ;504
; ** LSNMSF **
; ** LVDrawMsg **
LVDrawMsg_SIZEOF = 24
LVDrawMsg_MethodID = 0 ;4
LVDrawMsg_RastPort = 4 ;4
LVDrawMsg_DrawInfo = 8 ;4
LVDrawMsg_Bounds = 12 ;8
LVDrawMsg_State = 20 ;4
;;** MathIEEEResource **
MathIEEEResource_SIZEOF = 44
MathIEEEResource_Node = 0 ;14
MathIEEEResource_Flags = 14 ;2
MathIEEEResource_BaseAddr = 16 ;4
MathIEEEResource_DblBasInit = 20 ;4
MathIEEEResource_DblTransInit = 24 ;4
MathIEEEResource_SglBasInit = 28 ;4
MathIEEEResource_SglTransInit = 32 ;4
MathIEEEResource_ExtBasInit = 36 ;4
MathIEEEResource_ExtTransInit = 40 ;4
; ** MemChunk **
MemChunk_SIZEOF = 8
MemChunk_Next = 0 ;4
MemChunk_Bytes = 4 ;4
; ** MemEntry **
MemEntry_SIZEOF = 8
MemEntry_Un = 0 ;4
MemEntry_Un.Regs = 0 ;4
MemEntry_Un.Addr = 0 ;4
MemEntry_Length = 4 ;4
; ** MemHandlerData **
MemHandlerData_SIZEOF = 12
MemHandlerData_RequestSize = 0 ;4
MemHandlerData_RequestFlags = 4 ;4
MemHandlerData_Flags = 8 ;4
; ** MemHeader **
MemHeader_SIZEOF = 32
MemHeader_Node = 0 ;14
MemHeader_Attributes = 14 ;2
MemHeader_First = 16 ;4
MemHeader_Lower = 20 ;4
MemHeader_Upper = 24 ;4
MemHeader_Free = 28 ;4
; ** MemList **
MemList_SIZEOF = 24
MemList_Node = 0 ;14
MemList_NumEntries = 14 ;2
MemList_ME = 16 ;8
; ** Menu **
Menu_SIZEOF = 30
Menu_NextMenu = 0 ;4
Menu_LeftEdge = 4 ;2
Menu_TopEdge = 6 ;2
Menu_Width = 8 ;2
Menu_Height = 10 ;2
Menu_Flags = 12 ;2
Menu_MenuName = 14 ;4
Menu_FirstItem = 18 ;4
Menu_JazzX = 22 ;2
Menu_JazzY = 24 ;2
Menu_BeatX = 26 ;2
Menu_BeatY = 28 ;2
; ** MenuItem **
MenuItem_SIZEOF = 34
MenuItem_NextItem = 0 ;4
MenuItem_LeftEdge = 4 ;2
MenuItem_TopEdge = 6 ;2
MenuItem_Width = 8 ;2
MenuItem_Height = 10 ;2
MenuItem_Flags = 12 ;2
MenuItem_MutualExclude = 14 ;4
MenuItem_ItemFill = 18 ;4
MenuItem_SelectFill = 22 ;4
MenuItem_Command = 26 ;1
MenuItem_SubItem = 28 ;4
MenuItem_NextSelect = 32 ;2
; ** Message **
Message_SIZEOF = 20
Message_Node = 0 ;14
Message_ReplyPort = 14 ;4
Message_Length = 18 ;2
; ** MinList **
MinList_SIZEOF = 12
MinList_Head = 0 ;4
MinList_Tail = 4 ;4
MinList_TailPred = 8 ;4
; ** MinNode **
MinNode_SIZEOF = 8
MinNode_Succ = 0 ;4
MinNode_Pred = 4 ;4
; ** MonitorInfo **
MonitorInfo_SIZEOF = 96
MonitorInfo_Header = 0 ;16
MonitorInfo_Mspc = 16 ;4
MonitorInfo_ViewPosition = 20 ;4
MonitorInfo_ViewResolution = 24 ;4
MonitorInfo_ViewPositionRange = 28 ;8
MonitorInfo_TotalRows = 36 ;2
MonitorInfo_TotalColorClocks = 38 ;2
MonitorInfo_MinRow = 40 ;2
MonitorInfo_Compatibility = 42 ;2
MonitorInfo_Pad = 44 ;1
MonitorInfo_MouseTicks = 76 ;4
MonitorInfo_DefaultViewPosition = 80 ;4
MonitorInfo_PreferredModeID = 84 ;4
MonitorInfo_Reserved = 88 ;4
; ** MonitorSpec **
MonitorSpec_SIZEOF = 160
MonitorSpec_Node = 0 ;24
MonitorSpec_Flags = 24 ;2
MonitorSpec_RatioH = 26 ;4
MonitorSpec_RatioV = 30 ;4
MonitorSpec_Total_Rows = 34 ;2
MonitorSpec_Total_ColorClocks = 36 ;2
MonitorSpec_DeniseMaxDisplayColumn = 38 ;2
MonitorSpec_BeamCon0 = 40 ;2
MonitorSpec_Min_Row = 42 ;2
MonitorSpec_Special = 44 ;4
MonitorSpec_OpenCount = 48 ;2
MonitorSpec_Transform = 50 ;4
MonitorSpec_Translate = 54 ;4
MonitorSpec_Scale = 58 ;4
MonitorSpec_XOffset = 62 ;2
MonitorSpec_YOffset = 64 ;2
MonitorSpec_LegalView = 66 ;8
MonitorSpec_MaxOScan = 74 ;4
MonitorSpec_VideoScan = 78 ;4
MonitorSpec_DeniseMinDisplayColumn = 82 ;2
MonitorSpec_DisplayCompatible = 84 ;4
MonitorSpec_DisplayInfoDataBase = 88 ;14
MonitorSpec_DisplayInfoDataBaseSemaphore = 102 ;46
MonitorSpec_MrgCop = 148 ;4
MonitorSpec_LoadView = 152 ;4
MonitorSpec_KillView = 156 ;4
; ** Mouth_rb **
Mouth_rb_SIZEOF = 92
Mouth_rb_Voice = 0 ;88
Mouth_rb_Width = 88 ;1
Mouth_rb_Height = 89 ;1
Mouth_rb_Shape = 90 ;1
Mouth_rb_Sync = 91 ;1
; ** MsgPort **
MsgPort_SIZEOF = 34
MsgPort_Node = 0 ;14
MsgPort_Flags = 14 ;1
MsgPort_SigBit = 15 ;1
MsgPort_SigTask = 16 ;4
MsgPort_MsgList = 20 ;14
;;** NameInfo **
NameInfo_SIZEOF = 56
NameInfo_Header = 0 ;16
NameInfo_Name = 16 ;1
NameInfo_Reserved = 48 ;4
; ** NamedObject **
NamedObject_SIZEOF = 4
NamedObject_Object = 0 ;4
; ** Narrator_rb **
Narrator_rb_SIZEOF = 88
Narrator_rb_Message = 0 ;48
Narrator_rb_Rate = 48 ;2
Narrator_rb_Pitch = 50 ;2
Narrator_rb_Mode = 52 ;2
Narrator_rb_Sex = 54 ;2
Narrator_rb_ch_Masks = 56 ;4
Narrator_rb_nm_Masks = 60 ;2
Narrator_rb_Volume = 62 ;2
Narrator_rb_SampFreq = 64 ;2
Narrator_rb_Mouths = 66 ;1
Narrator_rb_ChanMask = 67 ;1
Narrator_rb_NumChan = 68 ;1
Narrator_rb_Flags = 69 ;1
Narrator_rb_FOEnthusiasm = 70 ;1
Narrator_rb_FOPerTurb = 71 ;1
Narrator_rb_F1adj = 72 ;1
Narrator_rb_F2adj = 73 ;1
Narrator_rb_F3adj = 74 ;1
Narrator_rb_A1adj = 75 ;1
Narrator_rb_A2adj = 76 ;1
Narrator_rb_A3adj = 77 ;1
Narrator_rb_Articulate = 78 ;1
Narrator_rb_Centralize = 79 ;1
Narrator_rb_Centphon = 80 ;4
Narrator_rb_AVbias = 84 ;1
Narrator_rb_AFbias = 85 ;1
Narrator_rb_Priority = 86 ;1
Narrator_rb_Pad1 = 87 ;1
; ** NewAmigaGuide **
NewAmigaGuide_SIZEOF = 52
NewAmigaGuide_Lock = 0 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_Name = 4 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_Screen = 8 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_PubScreen = 12 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_HostPort = 16 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_ClientPort = 20 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_BaseName = 24 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_Flags = 28 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_Context = 32 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_Node = 36 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_Line = 40 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_Extens = 44 ;4
NewAmigaGuide_Client = 48 ;4
; ** NewBroker **
NewBroker_SIZEOF = 26
NewBroker_Version = 0 ;1
NewBroker_Name = 2 ;4
NewBroker_Title = 6 ;4
NewBroker_Descr = 10 ;4
NewBroker_Unique = 14 ;2
NewBroker_Flags = 16 ;2
NewBroker_Pri = 18 ;1
NewBroker_Port = 20 ;4
NewBroker_ReservedChannel = 24 ;2
; ** NewGadget **
NewGadget_SIZEOF = 30
NewGadget_LeftEdge = 0 ;2
NewGadget_TopEdge = 2 ;2
NewGadget_Width = 4 ;2
NewGadget_Height = 6 ;2
NewGadget_GadgetText = 8 ;4
NewGadget_TextAttr = 12 ;4
NewGadget_GadgetID = 16 ;2
NewGadget_Flags = 18 ;4
NewGadget_VisualInfo = 22 ;4
NewGadget_UserData = 26 ;4
; ** NewMenu **
NewMenu_SIZEOF = 20
NewMenu_Type = 0 ;1
NewMenu_Label = 2 ;4
NewMenu_CommKey = 6 ;4
NewMenu_Flags = 10 ;2
NewMenu_MutualExclude = 12 ;4
NewMenu_UserData = 16 ;4
; ** NewScreen **
NewScreen_SIZEOF = 32
NewScreen_LeftEdge = 0 ;2
NewScreen_TopEdge = 2 ;2
NewScreen_Width = 4 ;2
NewScreen_Height = 6 ;2
NewScreen_Depth = 8 ;2
NewScreen_DetailPen = 10 ;1
NewScreen_BlockPen = 11 ;1
NewScreen_ViewModes = 12 ;2
NewScreen_Type = 14 ;2
NewScreen_Font = 16 ;4
NewScreen_DefaultTitle = 20 ;4
NewScreen_Gadgets = 24 ;4
NewScreen_CustomBitMap = 28 ;4
; ** NewWindow **
NewWindow_SIZEOF = 48
NewWindow_LeftEdge = 0 ;2
NewWindow_TopEdge = 2 ;2
NewWindow_Width = 4 ;2
NewWindow_Height = 6 ;2
NewWindow_DetailPen = 8 ;1
NewWindow_BlockPen = 9 ;1
NewWindow_IDCMPFlags = 10 ;4
NewWindow_Flags = 14 ;4
NewWindow_FirstGadget = 18 ;4
NewWindow_CheckMark = 22 ;4
NewWindow_Title = 26 ;4
NewWindow_Screen = 30 ;4
NewWindow_BitMap = 34 ;4
NewWindow_MinWidth = 38 ;2
NewWindow_MinHeight = 40 ;2
NewWindow_MaxWidth = 42 ;2
NewWindow_MaxHeight = 44 ;2
NewWindow_Type = 46 ;2
; ** NexxStr **
NexxStr_SIZEOF = 16
NexxStr_IValue = 0 ;4
NexxStr_Length = 4 ;2
NexxStr_Flags = 6 ;1
NexxStr_Hash = 7 ;1
NexxStr_Buff = 8 ;1
; ** Node **
Node_SIZEOF = 14
Node_Succ = 0 ;4
Node_Pred = 4 ;4
Node_Type = 8 ;1
Node_Pri = 9 ;1
Node_Name = 10 ;4
; ** NotifyMessage **
NotifyMessage_SIZEOF = 38
NotifyMessage_ExecMessage = 0 ;20
NotifyMessage_Class = 20 ;4
NotifyMessage_Code = 24 ;2
NotifyMessage_NReq = 26 ;4
NotifyMessage_DoNotTouch = 30 ;4
NotifyMessage_DoNotTouch2 = 34 ;4
; ** NotifyRequest **
NotifyRequest_SIZEOF = 48
NotifyRequest_Name = 0 ;4
NotifyRequest_FullName = 4 ;4
NotifyRequest_UserData = 8 ;4
NotifyRequest_Flags = 12 ;4
NotifyRequest_Stuff = 16 ;8
NotifyRequest_Stuff.Msg = 16 ;4
NotifyRequest_Stuff.Msg.Port = 16 ;4
NotifyRequest_Stuff.Signal = 16 ;4
NotifyRequest_Stuff.Signal.Task = 16 ;4
NotifyRequest_Stuff.Signal.SignalNum = 20 ;1
NotifyRequest_Stuff.Signal.Pad = 21 ;1
NotifyRequest_Reserved = 24 ;4
NotifyRequest_MsgCount = 40 ;4
NotifyRequest_Handler = 44 ;4
; ** NVEntry **
NVEntry_SIZEOF = 20
NVEntry_Node = 0 ;8
NVEntry_Name = 8 ;4
NVEntry_Size = 12 ;4
NVEntry_Protection = 16 ;4
; ** NVInfo **
NVInfo_MaxStorage = 0 ;4
NVInfo_FreeStorage = 4 ;4
;;** Object **
Object_SIZEOF = 12
Object_Node = 0 ;8
Object_Class = 8 ;4
; ** OldDrawerData **
OldDrawerData_SIZEOF = 56
OldDrawerData_NewWindow = 0 ;48
OldDrawerData_CurrentX = 48 ;4
OldDrawerData_CurrentY = 52 ;4
; ** opAddTail **
opAddTail_SIZEOF = 8
opAddTail_MethodID = 0 ;4
opAddTail_List = 4 ;4
; ** opExpungeNode **
opExpungeNode_SIZEOF = 8
opExpungeNode_MethodID = 0 ;4
opExpungeNode_Attrs = 4 ;4
; ** opFindHost **
opFindHost_SIZEOF = 28
opFindHost_MethodID = 0 ;4
opFindHost_Attrs = 4 ;4
opFindHost_Node = 8 ;4
opFindHost_TOC = 12 ;4
opFindHost_Title = 16 ;4
opFindHost_Next = 20 ;4
opFindHost_Prev = 24 ;4
; ** opGet **
opGet_SIZEOF = 12
opGet_MethodID = 0 ;4
opGet_AttrID = 4 ;4
opGet_Storage = 8 ;4
; ** opMember **
opMember_SIZEOF = 8
opMember_MethodID = 0 ;4
opMember_Object = 4 ;4
; ** opNodeID **
opNodeID_SIZEOF = 28
opNodeID_MethodID = 0 ;4
opNodeID_Attrs = 4 ;4
opNodeID_Node = 8 ;4
opNodeID_FileName = 12 ;4
opNodeID_DocBuffer = 16 ;4
opNodeID_BuffLen = 20 ;4
opNodeID_Flags = 24 ;4
; ** opSet **
opSet_SIZEOF = 12
opSet_MethodID = 0 ;4
opSet_AttrList = 4 ;4
opSet_GInfo = 8 ;4
; ** opUpdate **
opUpdate_SIZEOF = 16
opUpdate_MethodID = 0 ;4
opUpdate_AttrList = 4 ;4
opUpdate_GInfo = 8 ;4
opUpdate_Flags = 12 ;4
; ** OverscanPrefs **
OverscanPrefs_SIZEOF = 36
OverscanPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
OverscanPrefs_Magic = 4 ;4
OverscanPrefs_HStart = 8 ;2
OverscanPrefs_HStop = 10 ;2
OverscanPrefs_VStart = 12 ;2
OverscanPrefs_VStop = 14 ;2
OverscanPrefs_DisplayID = 16 ;4
OverscanPrefs_ViewPos = 20 ;4
OverscanPrefs_Text = 24 ;4
OverscanPrefs_Standard = 28 ;8
;;** PaletteExtra **
PaletteExtra_SIZEOF = 68
PaletteExtra_Semaphore = 0 ;46
PaletteExtra_FirstFree = 46 ;2
PaletteExtra_NFree = 48 ;2
PaletteExtra_FirstShared = 50 ;2
PaletteExtra_NShared = 52 ;2
PaletteExtra_RefCnt = 54 ;4
PaletteExtra_AllocList = 58 ;4
PaletteExtra_ViewPort = 62 ;4
PaletteExtra_SharableColors = 66 ;2
; ** PalettePrefs **
PalettePrefs_SIZEOF = 400
PalettePrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
PalettePrefs_4ColorPens = 16 ;2
PalettePrefs_8ColorPens = 80 ;2
PalettePrefs_Colors = 144 ;8
; ** PartitionBlock **
PartitionBlock_SIZEOF = 256
PartitionBlock_ID = 0 ;4
PartitionBlock_SummedLongs = 4 ;4
PartitionBlock_ChkSum = 8 ;4
PartitionBlock_HostID = 12 ;4
PartitionBlock_Next = 16 ;4
PartitionBlock_Flags = 20 ;4
PartitionBlock_Reserved1 = 24 ;4
PartitionBlock_DevFlags = 32 ;4
PartitionBlock_DriveName = 36 ;1
PartitionBlock_Reserved2 = 68 ;4
PartitionBlock_Environment = 128 ;4
PartitionBlock_EReserved = 196 ;4
; ** PGX **
PGX_Container = 0 ;8
PGX_NewKnob = 8 ;8
; ** Player **
Player_SIZEOF = 44
Player_Link = 0 ;14
Player_Reserved0 = 14 ;1
Player_Reserved1 = 15 ;1
Player_Hook = 16 ;4
Player_Source = 20 ;4
Player_Task = 24 ;4
Player_MetricTime = 28 ;4
Player_AlarmTime = 32 ;4
Player_UserData = 36 ;4
Player_PlayerID = 40 ;2
Player_Flags = 42 ;2
; ** pmState **
pmState_SIZEOF = 8
pmState_Method = 0 ;4
pmState_OldState = 4 ;4
; ** pmTime **
pmTime_SIZEOF = 8
pmTime_Method = 0 ;4
pmTime_Time = 4 ;4
; ** PointerPrefs **
PointerPrefs_SIZEOF = 32
PointerPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
PointerPrefs_Which = 16 ;2
PointerPrefs_Size = 18 ;2
PointerPrefs_Width = 20 ;2
PointerPrefs_Height = 22 ;2
PointerPrefs_Depth = 24 ;2
PointerPrefs_YSize = 26 ;2
PointerPrefs_X = 28 ;2
PointerPrefs_Y = 30 ;2
; ** Preferences **
Preferences_SIZEOF = 232
Preferences_FontHeight = 0 ;1
Preferences_PrinterPort = 1 ;1
Preferences_BaudRate = 2 ;2
Preferences_KeyRptSpeed = 4 ;8
Preferences_KeyRptDelay = 12 ;8
Preferences_DoubleClick = 20 ;8
Preferences_PointerMatrix = 28 ;2
Preferences_XOffset = 100 ;1
Preferences_YOffset = 101 ;1
Preferences_Color17 = 102 ;2
Preferences_Color18 = 104 ;2
Preferences_Color19 = 106 ;2
Preferences_PointerTicks = 108 ;2
Preferences_Color0 = 110 ;2
Preferences_Color1 = 112 ;2
Preferences_Color2 = 114 ;2
Preferences_Color3 = 116 ;2
Preferences_ViewXOffset = 118 ;1
Preferences_ViewYOffset = 119 ;1
Preferences_ViewInitX = 120 ;2
Preferences_ViewInitY = 122 ;2
Preferences_EnableCLI = 124 ;2
Preferences_PrinterType = 126 ;2
Preferences_PrinterFilename = 128 ;1
Preferences_PrintPitch = 158 ;2
Preferences_PrintQuality = 160 ;2
Preferences_PrintSpacing = 162 ;2
Preferences_PrintLeftMargin = 164 ;2
Preferences_PrintRightMargin = 166 ;2
Preferences_PrintImage = 168 ;2
Preferences_PrintAspect = 170 ;2
Preferences_PrintShade = 172 ;2
Preferences_PrintThreshold = 174 ;2
Preferences_PaperSize = 176 ;2
Preferences_PaperLength = 178 ;2
Preferences_PaperType = 180 ;2
Preferences_SerRWBits = 182 ;1
Preferences_SerStopBuf = 183 ;1
Preferences_SerParShk = 184 ;1
Preferences_LaceWB = 185 ;1
Preferences_Pad = 186 ;1
Preferences_PrtDevName = 198 ;1
Preferences_DefaultPrtUnit = 214 ;1
Preferences_DefaultSerUnit = 215 ;1
Preferences_RowSizeChange = 216 ;1
Preferences_ColumnSizeChange = 217 ;1
Preferences_PrintFlags = 218 ;2
Preferences_PrintMaxWidth = 220 ;2
Preferences_PrintMaxHeight = 222 ;2
Preferences_PrintDensity = 224 ;1
Preferences_PrintXOffset = 225 ;1
Preferences_WB_Width = 226 ;2
Preferences_WB_Height = 228 ;2
Preferences_WB_Depth = 230 ;1
Preferences_Ext_Size = 231 ;1
; ** PrefHeader **
PrefHeader_SIZEOF = 6
PrefHeader_Version = 0 ;1
PrefHeader_Type = 1 ;1
PrefHeader_Flags = 2 ;4
; ** PrinterData **
PrinterData_SIZEOF = 6818
PrinterData_Device = 0 ;52
PrinterData_Unit = 52 ;34
PrinterData_PrinterSegment = 86 ;4
PrinterData_PrinterType = 90 ;2
PrinterData_SegmentData = 92 ;4
PrinterData_PrintBuf = 96 ;4
PrinterData_PWrite = 100 ;4
PrinterData_PBothReady = 104 ;4
PrinterData_ior0 = 108 ;82
PrinterData_ior0.p0 = 108 ;62
PrinterData_ior0.s0 = 108 ;82
PrinterData_ior1 = 190 ;82
PrinterData_ior1.p1 = 190 ;62
PrinterData_ior1.s1 = 190 ;82
PrinterData_TIOR = 272 ;40
PrinterData_IORPort = 312 ;34
PrinterData_TC = 346 ;92
PrinterData_OldStk = 438 ;1
PrinterData_Flags = 2486 ;1
PrinterData_Pad = 2487 ;1
PrinterData_Preferences = 2488 ;232
PrinterData_PWaitEnabled = 2720 ;1
PrinterData_Flags1 = 2721 ;1
PrinterData_Stk = 2722 ;1
; ** PrinterExtendedData **
PrinterExtendedData_SIZEOF = 66
PrinterExtendedData_PrinterName = 0 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_Init = 4 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_Expunge = 8 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_Open = 12 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_Close = 16 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_PrinterClass = 20 ;1
PrinterExtendedData_ColorClass = 21 ;1
PrinterExtendedData_MaxColumns = 22 ;1
PrinterExtendedData_NumCharSets = 23 ;1
PrinterExtendedData_NumRows = 24 ;2
PrinterExtendedData_MaxXDots = 26 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_MaxYDots = 30 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_XDotsInch = 34 ;2
PrinterExtendedData_YDotsInch = 36 ;2
PrinterExtendedData_Commands = 38 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_DoSpecial = 42 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_Render = 46 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_TimeoutSecs = 50 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_8BitChars = 54 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_PrintMode = 58 ;4
PrinterExtendedData_ConvFunc = 62 ;4
; ** PrinterGfxPrefs **
PrinterGfxPrefs_SIZEOF = 38
PrinterGfxPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
PrinterGfxPrefs_Aspect = 16 ;2
PrinterGfxPrefs_Shade = 18 ;2
PrinterGfxPrefs_Image = 20 ;2
PrinterGfxPrefs_Threshold = 22 ;2
PrinterGfxPrefs_ColorCorrect = 24 ;1
PrinterGfxPrefs_Dimensions = 25 ;1
PrinterGfxPrefs_Dithering = 26 ;1
PrinterGfxPrefs_GraphicFlags = 28 ;2
PrinterGfxPrefs_PrintDensity = 30 ;1
PrinterGfxPrefs_PrintMaxWidth = 32 ;2
PrinterGfxPrefs_PrintMaxHeight = 34 ;2
PrinterGfxPrefs_PrintXOffset = 36 ;1
PrinterGfxPrefs_PrintYOffset = 37 ;1
; ** PrinterIO **
PrinterIO_SIZEOF = 62
PrinterIO_IOs = 0 ;48
PrinterIO_IOdrp = 0 ;62
PrinterIO_IOpc = 0 ;38
; ** PrinterPSPrefs **
PrinterPSPrefs_SIZEOF = 124
PrinterPSPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_DriverMode = 16 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_PaperFormat = 17 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Reserved1 = 18 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Copies = 20 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_PaperWidth = 24 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_PaperHeight = 28 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_HorizontalDPI = 32 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_VerticalDPI = 36 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_Font = 40 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Pitch = 41 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Orientation = 42 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Tab = 43 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Reserved2 = 44 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_LeftMargin = 52 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_RightMargin = 56 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_TopMargin = 60 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_BottomMargin = 64 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_FontPointSize = 68 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_Leading = 72 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_Reserved3 = 76 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_LeftEdge = 84 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_TopEdge = 88 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_Width = 92 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_Height = 96 ;4
PrinterPSPrefs_Image = 100 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Shading = 101 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Dithering = 102 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Reserved4 = 103 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Aspect = 112 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_ScalingType = 113 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Reserved5 = 114 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Centering = 115 ;1
PrinterPSPrefs_Reserved6 = 116 ;1
; ** PrinterSegment **
PrinterSegment_SIZEOF = 78
PrinterSegment_NextSegment = 0 ;4
PrinterSegment_RunAlert = 4 ;4
PrinterSegment_Version = 8 ;2
PrinterSegment_Revision = 10 ;2
PrinterSegment_PED = 12 ;66
; ** PrinterTxtPrefs **
PrinterTxtPrefs_SIZEOF = 64
PrinterTxtPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
PrinterTxtPrefs_Driver = 16 ;1
PrinterTxtPrefs_Port = 46 ;1
PrinterTxtPrefs_PaperType = 48 ;2
PrinterTxtPrefs_PaperSize = 50 ;2
PrinterTxtPrefs_PaperLength = 52 ;2
PrinterTxtPrefs_Pitch = 54 ;2
PrinterTxtPrefs_Spacing = 56 ;2
PrinterTxtPrefs_LeftMargin = 58 ;2
PrinterTxtPrefs_RightMargin = 60 ;2
PrinterTxtPrefs_Quality = 62 ;2
; ** PrinterUnitPrefs **
PrinterUnitPrefs_SIZEOF = 56
PrinterUnitPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
PrinterUnitPrefs_UnitNum = 16 ;4
PrinterUnitPrefs_OpenDeviceFlags = 20 ;4
PrinterUnitPrefs_DeviceName = 24 ;1
; ** Process **
Process_SIZEOF = 228
Process_Task = 0 ;92
Process_MsgPort = 92 ;34
Process_Pad = 126 ;2
Process_SegList = 128 ;4
Process_StackSize = 132 ;4
Process_GlobVec = 136 ;4
Process_TaskNum = 140 ;4
Process_StackBase = 144 ;4
Process_Result2 = 148 ;4
Process_CurrentDir = 152 ;4
Process_CIS = 156 ;4
Process_COS = 160 ;4
Process_ConsoleTask = 164 ;4
Process_FileSystemTask = 168 ;4
Process_CLI = 172 ;4
Process_ReturnAddr = 176 ;4
Process_PktWait = 180 ;4
Process_WindowPtr = 184 ;4
Process_HomeDir = 188 ;4
Process_Flags = 192 ;4
Process_ExitCode = 196 ;4
Process_ExitData = 200 ;4
Process_Arguments = 204 ;4
Process_LocalVars = 208 ;12
Process_ShellPrivate = 220 ;4
Process_CES = 224 ;4
; ** PropInfo **
PropInfo_SIZEOF = 22
PropInfo_Flags = 0 ;2
PropInfo_HorizPot = 2 ;2
PropInfo_VertPot = 4 ;2
PropInfo_HorizBody = 6 ;2
PropInfo_VertBody = 8 ;2
PropInfo_CWidth = 10 ;2
PropInfo_CHeight = 12 ;2
PropInfo_HPotRes = 14 ;2
PropInfo_VPotRes = 16 ;2
PropInfo_LeftBorder = 18 ;2
PropInfo_TopBorder = 20 ;2
; ** PrtInfo **
PrtInfo_SIZEOF = 114
PrtInfo_Render = 0 ;4
PrtInfo_RP = 4 ;4
PrtInfo_TempRP = 8 ;4
PrtInfo_RowBuf = 12 ;4
PrtInfo_HamBuf = 16 ;4
PrtInfo_ColorMap = 20 ;4
PrtInfo_ColorInt = 24 ;4
PrtInfo_HamInt = 28 ;4
PrtInfo_Dest1Int = 32 ;4
PrtInfo_Dest2Int = 36 ;4
PrtInfo_ScaleX = 40 ;4
PrtInfo_ScaleXAlt = 44 ;4
PrtInfo_DmaTrix = 48 ;4
PrtInfo_TopBuf = 52 ;4
PrtInfo_BotBuf = 56 ;4
PrtInfo_RowBufSize = 60 ;2
PrtInfo_HamBufSize = 62 ;2
PrtInfo_ColorMapSize = 64 ;2
PrtInfo_ColorIntSize = 66 ;2
PrtInfo_HamIntSize = 68 ;2
PrtInfo_Dest1IntSize = 70 ;2
PrtInfo_Dest2IntSize = 72 ;2
PrtInfo_ScaleXSize = 74 ;2
PrtInfo_ScaleXAltSize = 76 ;2
PrtInfo_PrefsFlags = 78 ;2
PrtInfo_Special = 80 ;4
PrtInfo_XStart = 84 ;2
PrtInfo_YStart = 86 ;2
PrtInfo_Width = 88 ;2
PrtInfo_Height = 90 ;2
PrtInfo_PC = 92 ;4
PrtInfo_PR = 96 ;4
PrtInfo_YMult = 100 ;2
PrtInfo_YMod = 102 ;2
PrtInfo_ETY = 104 ;2
PrtInfo_XPos = 106 ;2
PrtInfo_Threshold = 108 ;2
PrtInfo_TempWidth = 110 ;2
PrtInfo_Flags = 112 ;2
; ** PubScreenNode **
PubScreenNode_SIZEOF = 30
PubScreenNode_Node = 0 ;14
PubScreenNode_Screen = 14 ;4
PubScreenNode_Flags = 18 ;2
PubScreenNode_Size = 20 ;2
PubScreenNode_VisitorCount = 22 ;2
PubScreenNode_SigTask = 24 ;4
PubScreenNode_SigBit = 28 ;1
;;** QCode **
QCode_SIZEOF = 12
QCode_CtlAdr = 0 ;1
QCode_Track = 1 ;1
QCode_Index = 2 ;1
QCode_Zero = 3 ;1
QCode_TrackPosition = 4 ;4
QCode_DiskPosition = 8 ;4
; ** QueryHeader **
QueryHeader_SIZEOF = 16
QueryHeader_StructID = 0 ;4
QueryHeader_DisplayID = 4 ;4
QueryHeader_SkipID = 8 ;4
QueryHeader_Length = 12 ;4
;;** RasInfo **
RasInfo_SIZEOF = 12
RasInfo_Next = 0 ;4
RasInfo_BitMap = 4 ;4
RasInfo_RxOffset = 8 ;2
RasInfo_RyOffset = 10 ;2
; ** RastPort **
RastPort_SIZEOF = 100
RastPort_Layer = 0 ;4
RastPort_BitMap = 4 ;4
RastPort_AreaPtrn = 8 ;4
RastPort_TmpRas = 12 ;4
RastPort_AreaInfo = 16 ;4
RastPort_GelsInfo = 20 ;4
RastPort_Mask = 24 ;1
RastPort_FgPen = 25 ;1
RastPort_BgPen = 26 ;1
RastPort_AOlPen = 27 ;1
RastPort_DrawMode = 28 ;1
RastPort_AreaPtSz = 29 ;1
RastPort_LinPatCnt = 30 ;1
RastPort_Dummy = 31 ;1
RastPort_Flags = 32 ;2
RastPort_LinePtrn = 34 ;2
RastPort_CP_X = 36 ;2
RastPort_CP_Y = 38 ;2
RastPort_Minterms = 40 ;1
RastPort_PenWidth = 48 ;2
RastPort_PenHeight = 50 ;2
RastPort_Font = 52 ;4
RastPort_AlgoStyle = 56 ;1
RastPort_TxFlags = 57 ;1
RastPort_TxHeight = 58 ;2
RastPort_TxWidth = 60 ;2
RastPort_TxBaseLine = 62 ;2
RastPort_TxSpacing = 64 ;2
RastPort_User = 66 ;4
RastPort_LongReserved = 70 ;4
RastPort_WordReserved = 78 ;2
RastPort_Reserved = 92 ;1
; ** RDArgs **
RDArgs_SIZEOF = 32
RDArgs_Source = 0 ;12
RDArgs_DAList = 12 ;4
RDArgs_Buffer = 16 ;4
RDArgs_BufSiz = 20 ;4
RDArgs_ExtHelp = 24 ;4
RDArgs_Flags = 28 ;4
; ** RecordLock **
RecordLock_SIZEOF = 16
RecordLock_FH = 0 ;4
RecordLock_Offset = 4 ;4
RecordLock_Length = 8 ;4
RecordLock_Mode = 12 ;4
; ** Rect32 **
Rect32_SIZEOF = 16
Rect32_MinX = 0 ;4
Rect32_MinY = 4 ;4
Rect32_MaxX = 8 ;4
Rect32_MaxY = 12 ;4
; ** Rectangle **
Rectangle_SIZEOF = 8
Rectangle_MinX = 0 ;2
Rectangle_MinY = 2 ;2
Rectangle_MaxX = 4 ;2
Rectangle_MaxY = 6 ;2
; ** Region **
Region_SIZEOF = 12
Region_Bounds = 0 ;8
Region_RegionRectangle = 8 ;4
; ** RegionRectangle **
RegionRectangle_SIZEOF = 16
RegionRectangle_Next = 0 ;4
RegionRectangle_Prev = 4 ;4
RegionRectangle_Bounds = 8 ;8
; ** Remember **
Remember_SIZEOF = 12
Remember_NextRemember = 0 ;4
Remember_RememberSize = 4 ;4
Remember_Memory = 8 ;4
; ** Requester **
Requester_SIZEOF = 112
Requester_OlderRequester = 0 ;4
Requester_LeftEdge = 4 ;2
Requester_TopEdge = 6 ;2
Requester_Width = 8 ;2
Requester_Height = 10 ;2
Requester_RelLeft = 12 ;2
Requester_RelTop = 14 ;2
Requester_ReqGadget = 16 ;4
Requester_ReqBorder = 20 ;4
Requester_ReqText = 24 ;4
Requester_Flags = 28 ;2
Requester_BackFill = 30 ;1
Requester_ReqLayer = 32 ;4
Requester_ReqPad1 = 36 ;1
Requester_ImageBMap = 68 ;4
Requester_RWindow = 72 ;4
Requester_ReqImage = 76 ;4
Requester_ReqPad2 = 80 ;1
; ** Resident **
Resident_SIZEOF = 26
Resident_MatchWord = 0 ;2
Resident_MatchTag = 2 ;4
Resident_EndSkip = 6 ;4
Resident_Flags = 10 ;1
Resident_Version = 11 ;1
Resident_Type = 12 ;1
Resident_Pri = 13 ;1
Resident_Name = 14 ;4
Resident_IDString = 18 ;4
Resident_Init = 22 ;4
; ** RexxArg **
RexxArg_SIZEOF = 16
RexxArg_Size = 0 ;4
RexxArg_Length = 4 ;2
RexxArg_Flags = 6 ;1
RexxArg_Hash = 7 ;1
RexxArg_Buff = 8 ;1
; ** RexxMsg **
RexxMsg_SIZEOF = 128
RexxMsg_Node = 0 ;20
RexxMsg_TaskBlock = 20 ;4
RexxMsg_LibBase = 24 ;4
RexxMsg_Action = 28 ;4
RexxMsg_Result1 = 32 ;4
RexxMsg_Result2 = 36 ;4
RexxMsg_Args = 40 ;4
RexxMsg_PassPort = 104 ;4
RexxMsg_CommAdr = 108 ;4
RexxMsg_FileExt = 112 ;4
RexxMsg_StdIn = 116 ;4
RexxMsg_StdOut = 120 ;4
RexxMsg_Avail = 124 ;4
; ** RexxMsgPort **
RexxMsgPort_SIZEOF = 80
RexxMsgPort_Node = 0 ;32
RexxMsgPort_Port = 32 ;34
RexxMsgPort_ReplyList = 66 ;14
; ** RexxRsrc **
RexxRsrc_SIZEOF = 32
RexxRsrc_Node = 0 ;14
RexxRsrc_Func = 14 ;2
RexxRsrc_Base = 16 ;4
RexxRsrc_Size = 20 ;4
RexxRsrc_Arg1 = 24 ;4
RexxRsrc_Arg2 = 28 ;4
; ** RexxTask **
RexxTask_SIZEOF = 330
RexxTask_Global = 0 ;1
RexxTask_MsgPort = 200 ;34
RexxTask_Flags = 234 ;1
RexxTask_SigBit = 235 ;1
RexxTask_ClientID = 236 ;4
RexxTask_MsgPkt = 240 ;4
RexxTask_TaskID = 244 ;4
RexxTask_RexxPort = 248 ;4
RexxTask_ErrTrap = 252 ;4
RexxTask_StackPtr = 256 ;4
RexxTask_Header1 = 260 ;14
RexxTask_Header2 = 274 ;14
RexxTask_Header3 = 288 ;14
RexxTask_Header4 = 302 ;14
RexxTask_Header5 = 316 ;14
; ** RGBTable **
RGBTable_Red = 0 ;1
RGBTable_Green = 1 ;1
RGBTable_Blue = 2 ;1
; ** RigIDDiskBlock **
RigIDDiskBlock_SIZEOF = 256
RigIDDiskBlock_ID = 0 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_SummedLongs = 4 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_ChkSum = 8 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_HostID = 12 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_BlockBytes = 16 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_Flags = 20 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_BadBlockList = 24 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_PartitionList = 28 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_FileSysHeaderList = 32 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_DriveInit = 36 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_Reserved1 = 40 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_Cylinders = 64 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_Sectors = 68 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_Heads = 72 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_Interleave = 76 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_Park = 80 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_Reserved2 = 84 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_WritePreComp = 96 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_ReduceWrite = 100 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_StepRate = 104 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_Reserved3 = 108 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_RDBBlocksLo = 128 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_RDBBlocksHi = 132 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_LoCylinder = 136 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_HiCylinder = 140 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_CylBlocks = 144 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_AutoParkSeconds = 148 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_HighRDSKBlock = 152 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_Reserved4 = 156 ;4
RigIDDiskBlock_DiskVendor = 160 ;1
RigIDDiskBlock_DiskProduct = 168 ;1
RigIDDiskBlock_DiskRevision = 184 ;1
RigIDDiskBlock_ControllerVendor = 188 ;1
RigIDDiskBlock_ControllerProduct = 196 ;1
RigIDDiskBlock_ControllerRevision = 212 ;1
RigIDDiskBlock_Reserved5 = 216 ;4
; ** RMSF **
RMSF_Reserved = 0 ;1
RMSF_Minute = 1 ;1
RMSF_Second = 2 ;1
RMSF_Frame = 3 ;1
; ** RootNode **
RootNode_SIZEOF = 56
RootNode_TaskArray = 0 ;4
RootNode_ConsoleSegment = 4 ;4
RootNode_Time = 8 ;12
RootNode_RestartSeg = 20 ;4
RootNode_Info = 24 ;4
RootNode_FileHandlerSegment = 28 ;4
RootNode_CliList = 32 ;12
RootNode_BootProc = 44 ;4
RootNode_ShellSegment = 48 ;4
RootNode_Flags = 52 ;4
;;** SatisfyMsg **
SatisfyMsg_SIZEOF = 26
SatisfyMsg_Msg = 0 ;20
SatisfyMsg_Unit = 20 ;2
SatisfyMsg_ClipID = 22 ;4
; ** Screen **
Screen_SIZEOF = 346
Screen_NextScreen = 0 ;4
Screen_FirstWindow = 4 ;4
Screen_LeftEdge = 8 ;2
Screen_TopEdge = 10 ;2
Screen_Width = 12 ;2
Screen_Height = 14 ;2
Screen_MouseY = 16 ;2
Screen_MouseX = 18 ;2
Screen_Flags = 20 ;2
Screen_Title = 22 ;4
Screen_DefaultTitle = 26 ;4
Screen_BarHeight = 30 ;1
Screen_BarVBorder = 31 ;1
Screen_BarHBorder = 32 ;1
Screen_MenuVBorder = 33 ;1
Screen_MenuHBorder = 34 ;1
Screen_WBorTop = 35 ;1
Screen_WBorLeft = 36 ;1
Screen_WBorRight = 37 ;1
Screen_WBorBottom = 38 ;1
Screen_Font = 40 ;4
Screen_ViewPort = 44 ;40
Screen_RastPort = 84 ;100
Screen_BitMap = 184 ;40
Screen_LayerInfo = 224 ;102
Screen_FirstGadget = 326 ;4
Screen_DetailPen = 330 ;1
Screen_BlockPen = 331 ;1
Screen_SaveColor0 = 332 ;2
Screen_BarLayer = 334 ;4
Screen_ExtData = 338 ;4
Screen_UserData = 342 ;4
; ** ScreenBuffer **
ScreenBuffer_SIZEOF = 8
ScreenBuffer_BitMap = 0 ;4
ScreenBuffer_DBufInfo = 4 ;4
; ** ScreenModePrefs **
ScreenModePrefs_SIZEOF = 28
ScreenModePrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
ScreenModePrefs_DisplayID = 16 ;4
ScreenModePrefs_Width = 20 ;2
ScreenModePrefs_Height = 22 ;2
ScreenModePrefs_Depth = 24 ;2
ScreenModePrefs_Control = 26 ;2
; ** ScreenModeRequester **
ScreenModeRequester_SIZEOF = 48
ScreenModeRequester_DisplayID = 0 ;4
ScreenModeRequester_DisplayWidth = 4 ;4
ScreenModeRequester_DisplayHeight = 8 ;4
ScreenModeRequester_DisplayDepth = 12 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_OverscanType = 14 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_AutoScroll = 16 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_BitMapWidth = 18 ;4
ScreenModeRequester_BitMapHeight = 22 ;4
ScreenModeRequester_LeftEdge = 26 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_TopEdge = 28 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_Width = 30 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_Height = 32 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_InfoOpened = 34 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_InfoLeftEdge = 36 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_InfoTopEdge = 38 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_InfoWidth = 40 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_InfoHeight = 42 ;2
ScreenModeRequester_UserData = 44 ;4
; ** SCSICmd **
SCSICmd_Data = 0 ;4
SCSICmd_Length = 4 ;4
SCSICmd_Actual = 8 ;4
SCSICmd_Command = 12 ;4
SCSICmd_CmdLength = 16 ;2
SCSICmd_CmdActual = 18 ;2
SCSICmd_Flags = 20 ;1
SCSICmd_Status = 21 ;1
SCSICmd_SenseData = 22 ;4
SCSICmd_SenseLength = 26 ;2
SCSICmd_SenseActual = 28 ;2
; ** Segment **
Segment_SIZEOF = 16
Segment_Next = 0 ;4
Segment_UC = 4 ;4
Segment_Seg = 8 ;4
Segment_Name = 12 ;1
; ** Semaphore **
Semaphore_SIZEOF = 36
Semaphore_MsgPort = 0 ;34
Semaphore_Bids = 34 ;2
; ** SemaphoreMessage **
SemaphoreMessage_SIZEOF = 24
SemaphoreMessage_Message = 0 ;20
SemaphoreMessage_Semaphore = 20 ;4
; ** SemaphoreRequest **
SemaphoreRequest_SIZEOF = 12
SemaphoreRequest_Link = 0 ;8
SemaphoreRequest_Waiter = 8 ;4
; ** SerialPrefs **
SerialPrefs_SIZEOF = 34
SerialPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
SerialPrefs_Unit0Map = 12 ;4
SerialPrefs_BaudRate = 16 ;4
SerialPrefs_InputBuffer = 20 ;4
SerialPrefs_OutputBuffer = 24 ;4
SerialPrefs_InputHandshake = 28 ;1
SerialPrefs_OutputHandshake = 29 ;1
SerialPrefs_Parity = 30 ;1
SerialPrefs_BitsPerChar = 31 ;1
SerialPrefs_StopBits = 32 ;1
; ** SGWork **
SGWork_SIZEOF = 44
SGWork_Gadget = 0 ;4
SGWork_StringInfo = 4 ;4
SGWork_WorkBuffer = 8 ;4
SGWork_PrevBuffer = 12 ;4
SGWork_Modes = 16 ;4
SGWork_IEvent = 20 ;4
SGWork_Code = 24 ;2
SGWork_BufferPos = 26 ;2
SGWork_NumChars = 28 ;2
SGWork_Actions = 30 ;4
SGWork_LongInt = 34 ;4
SGWork_GadgetInfo = 38 ;4
SGWork_EditOp = 42 ;2
; ** SignalSemaphore **
SignalSemaphore_SIZEOF = 46
SignalSemaphore_Link = 0 ;14
SignalSemaphore_NestCount = 14 ;2
SignalSemaphore_WaitQueue = 16 ;12
SignalSemaphore_MultipleLink = 28 ;12
SignalSemaphore_Owner = 40 ;4
SignalSemaphore_QueueCount = 44 ;2
; ** SimpleSprite **
SimpleSprite_SIZEOF = 12
SimpleSprite_PosCtlData = 0 ;4
SimpleSprite_Height = 4 ;2
SimpleSprite_X = 6 ;2
SimpleSprite_Y = 8 ;2
SimpleSprite_Num = 10 ;2
; ** SoftIntList **
SoftIntList_SIZEOF = 16
SoftIntList_List = 0 ;14
SoftIntList_Pad = 14 ;2
; ** SoundPrefs **
SoundPrefs_SIZEOF = 284
SoundPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
SoundPrefs_DisplayQueue = 16 ;2
SoundPrefs_AudioQueue = 18 ;2
SoundPrefs_AudioType = 20 ;2
SoundPrefs_AudioVolume = 22 ;2
SoundPrefs_AudioPeriod = 24 ;2
SoundPrefs_AudioDuration = 26 ;2
SoundPrefs_AudioFileName = 28 ;1
; ** SpecialMonitor **
SpecialMonitor_SIZEOF = 58
SpecialMonitor_Node = 0 ;24
SpecialMonitor_Flags = 24 ;2
SpecialMonitor_Monitor = 26 ;4
SpecialMonitor_Reserved1 = 30 ;4
SpecialMonitor_Reserved2 = 34 ;4
SpecialMonitor_Reserved3 = 38 ;4
SpecialMonitor_HBlank = 42 ;4
SpecialMonitor_VBlank = 46 ;4
SpecialMonitor_HSync = 50 ;4
SpecialMonitor_VSync = 54 ;4
; ** SpriteDef **
SpriteDef_SIZEOF = 8
SpriteDef_Pos = 0 ;2
SpriteDef_Ctl = 2 ;2
SpriteDef_DataA = 4 ;2
SpriteDef_DataB = 6 ;2
; ** SrcNode **
SrcNode_SIZEOF = 16
SrcNode_Succ = 0 ;4
SrcNode_Pred = 4 ;4
SrcNode_Ptr = 8 ;4
SrcNode_Size = 12 ;4
; ** StackSwapStruct **
StackSwapStruct_SIZEOF = 12
StackSwapStruct_Lower = 0 ;4
StackSwapStruct_Upper = 4 ;4
StackSwapStruct_Pointer = 8 ;4
; ** StandardPacket **
StandardPacket_SIZEOF = 68
StandardPacket_Msg = 0 ;20
StandardPacket_Pkt = 20 ;48
; ** StoredProperty **
StoredProperty_SIZEOF = 8
StoredProperty_Size = 0 ;4
StoredProperty_Data = 4 ;4
; ** StringExtend **
StringExtend_SIZEOF = 36
StringExtend_Font = 0 ;4
StringExtend_Pens = 4 ;1
StringExtend_ActivePens = 6 ;1
StringExtend_InitialModes = 8 ;4
StringExtend_EditHook = 12 ;4
StringExtend_WorkBuffer = 16 ;4
StringExtend_Reserved = 20 ;4
; ** StringInfo **
StringInfo_SIZEOF = 36
StringInfo_Buffer = 0 ;4
StringInfo_UndoBuffer = 4 ;4
StringInfo_BufferPos = 8 ;2
StringInfo_MaxChars = 10 ;2
StringInfo_DispPos = 12 ;2
StringInfo_UndoPos = 14 ;2
StringInfo_NumChars = 16 ;2
StringInfo_DispCount = 18 ;2
StringInfo_CLeft = 20 ;2
StringInfo_CTop = 22 ;2
StringInfo_Extension = 24 ;4
StringInfo_LongInt = 28 ;4
StringInfo_AltKeyMap = 32 ;4
;;** TabletData **
TabletData_SIZEOF = 24
TabletData_XFraction = 0 ;2
TabletData_YFraction = 2 ;2
TabletData_TabletX = 4 ;4
TabletData_TabletY = 8 ;4
TabletData_RangeX = 12 ;4
TabletData_RangeY = 16 ;4
TabletData_TagList = 20 ;4
; ** TabletHookData **
TabletHookData_SIZEOF = 16
TabletHookData_Screen = 0 ;4
TabletHookData_Width = 4 ;4
TabletHookData_Height = 8 ;4
TabletHookData_ScreenChanged = 12 ;4
; ** TagItem **
TagItem_SIZEOF = 8
TagItem_Tag = 0 ;4
TagItem_Data = 4 ;4
; ** Task **
Task_SIZEOF = 92
Task_Node = 0 ;14
Task_Flags = 14 ;1
Task_State = 15 ;1
Task_IDNestCnt = 16 ;1
Task_TDNestCnt = 17 ;1
Task_SigAlloc = 18 ;4
Task_SigWait = 22 ;4
Task_SigRecvd = 26 ;4
Task_SigExcept = 30 ;4
Task_TrapAlloc = 34 ;2
Task_TrapAble = 36 ;2
Task_ExceptData = 38 ;4
Task_ExceptCode = 42 ;4
Task_TrapData = 46 ;4
Task_TrapCode = 50 ;4
Task_SPReg = 54 ;4
Task_SPLower = 58 ;4
Task_SPUpper = 62 ;4
Task_Switch = 66 ;4
Task_Launch = 70 ;4
Task_MemEntry = 74 ;14
Task_UserData = 88 ;4
; ** TAvailFonts **
TAvailFonts_SIZEOF = 14
TAvailFonts_Type = 0 ;2
TAvailFonts_Attr = 2 ;12
; ** TDU_PublicUnit **
TDU_PublicUnit_SIZEOF = 64
TDU_PublicUnit_Unit = 0 ;38
TDU_PublicUnit_Comp01Track = 38 ;2
TDU_PublicUnit_Comp10Track = 40 ;2
TDU_PublicUnit_Comp11Track = 42 ;2
TDU_PublicUnit_StepDelay = 44 ;4
TDU_PublicUnit_SettleDelay = 48 ;4
TDU_PublicUnit_RetryCnt = 52 ;1
TDU_PublicUnit_PubFlags = 53 ;1
TDU_PublicUnit_CurrTrk = 54 ;2
TDU_PublicUnit_CalibrateDelay = 56 ;4
TDU_PublicUnit_Counter = 60 ;4
; ** TextAttr **
TextAttr_SIZEOF = 8
TextAttr_Name = 0 ;4
TextAttr_YSize = 4 ;2
TextAttr_Style = 6 ;1
TextAttr_Flags = 7 ;1
; ** TextExtent **
TextExtent_SIZEOF = 12
TextExtent_Width = 0 ;2
TextExtent_Height = 2 ;2
TextExtent_Extent = 4 ;8
; ** TextFont **
TextFont_SIZEOF = 52
TextFont_Message = 0 ;20
TextFont_YSize = 20 ;2
TextFont_Style = 22 ;1
TextFont_Flags = 23 ;1
TextFont_XSize = 24 ;2
TextFont_Baseline = 26 ;2
TextFont_BoldSmear = 28 ;2
TextFont_Accessors = 30 ;2
TextFont_LoChar = 32 ;1
TextFont_HiChar = 33 ;1
TextFont_CharData = 34 ;4
TextFont_Modulo = 38 ;2
TextFont_CharLoc = 40 ;4
TextFont_CharSpace = 44 ;4
TextFont_CharKern = 48 ;4
; ** TextFontExtension **
TextFontExtension_SIZEOF = 24
TextFontExtension_MatchWord = 0 ;2
TextFontExtension_Flags0 = 2 ;1
TextFontExtension_Flags1 = 3 ;1
TextFontExtension_BackPtr = 4 ;4
TextFontExtension_DrigReplyPort = 8 ;4
TextFontExtension_Tags = 12 ;4
TextFontExtension_OFontPatchS = 16 ;4
TextFontExtension_OFontPatchK = 20 ;4
; ** TFontContents **
TFontContents_SIZEOF = 260
TFontContents_FileName = 0 ;1
TFontContents_TagCount = 254 ;2
TFontContents_YSize = 256 ;2
TFontContents_Style = 258 ;1
TFontContents_Flags = 259 ;1
; ** TimeRequest **
TimeRequest_SIZEOF = 40
TimeRequest_Node = 0 ;32
TimeRequest_Time = 32 ;8
; ** TimeVal **
TimeVal_SIZEOF = 8
TimeVal_Secs = 0 ;4
TimeVal_Micro = 4 ;4
; ** TmpRas **
TmpRas_SIZEOF = 8
TmpRas_RasPtr = 0 ;4
TmpRas_Size = 4 ;4
; ** TOCEntry **
TOCEntry_CtlAdr = 0 ;1
TOCEntry_Track = 1 ;1
TOCEntry_Position = 2 ;4
; ** TOCSummary **
TOCSummary_SIZEOF = 6
TOCSummary_FirstTrack = 0 ;1
TOCSummary_LastTrack = 1 ;1
TOCSummary_LeadOut = 2 ;4
; ** Tool **
Tool_SIZEOF = 8
Tool_Which = 0 ;2
Tool_Flags = 2 ;2
Tool_Program = 4 ;4
; ** ToolNode **
ToolNode_SIZEOF = 26
ToolNode_Node = 0 ;14
ToolNode_Tool = 14 ;8
ToolNode_Length = 22 ;4
; ** TP_AmigaXIP **
TP_AmigaXIP_Code = 0 ;1
TP_AmigaXIP_Link = 1 ;1
TP_AmigaXIP_XIPLoc = 2 ;1
TP_AmigaXIP_XIPFlags = 6 ;1
TP_AmigaXIP_XIPResrv = 7 ;1
; ** TTextAttr **
TTextAttr_SIZEOF = 12
TTextAttr_Name = 0 ;4
TTextAttr_YSize = 4 ;2
TTextAttr_Style = 6 ;1
TTextAttr_Flags = 7 ;1
TTextAttr_Tags = 8 ;4
;;** UCopList **
UCopList_SIZEOF = 12
UCopList_Next = 0 ;4
UCopList_FirstCopList = 4 ;4
UCopList_CopList = 8 ;4
; ** Unit **
Unit_SIZEOF = 38
Unit_MsgPort = 0 ;34
Unit_Flags = 34 ;1
Unit_Pad = 35 ;1
Unit_OpenCnt = 36 ;2
;;** VecInfo **
VecInfo_SIZEOF = 40
VecInfo_Header = 0 ;16
VecInfo_Vec = 16 ;4
VecInfo_Data = 20 ;4
VecInfo_Type = 24 ;2
VecInfo_Pad = 26 ;2
VecInfo_Reserved = 32 ;4
; ** View **
View_SIZEOF = 18
View_ViewPort = 0 ;4
View_LOFCprList = 4 ;4
View_SHFCprList = 8 ;4
View_DyOffset = 12 ;2
View_DxOffset = 14 ;2
View_Modes = 16 ;2
; ** ViewExtra **
ViewExtra_SIZEOF = 34
ViewExtra_Node = 0 ;24
ViewExtra_View = 24 ;4
ViewExtra_Monitor = 28 ;4
ViewExtra_TopLine = 32 ;2
; ** ViewPort **
ViewPort_SIZEOF = 40
ViewPort_Next = 0 ;4
ViewPort_ColorMap = 4 ;4
ViewPort_DspIns = 8 ;4
ViewPort_SprIns = 12 ;4
ViewPort_ClrIns = 16 ;4
ViewPort_UCopIns = 20 ;4
ViewPort_DWidth = 24 ;2
ViewPort_DHeight = 26 ;2
ViewPort_DxOffset = 28 ;2
ViewPort_DyOffset = 30 ;2
ViewPort_Modes = 32 ;2
ViewPort_SpritePriorities = 34 ;1
ViewPort_ExtendedModes = 35 ;1
ViewPort_RasInfo = 36 ;4
; ** ViewPortExtra **
ViewPortExtra_SIZEOF = 66
ViewPortExtra_Node = 0 ;24
ViewPortExtra_ViewPort = 24 ;4
ViewPortExtra_DisplayClip = 28 ;8
ViewPortExtra_VecTable = 36 ;4
ViewPortExtra_DriverData = 40 ;4
ViewPortExtra_Flags = 48 ;2
ViewPortExtra_Origin = 50 ;4
ViewPortExtra_Cop1Ptr = 58 ;4
ViewPortExtra_Cop2Ptr = 62 ;4
; ** VoiceHeader **
VoiceHeader_SIZEOF = 20
VoiceHeader_OneShotHiSamples = 0 ;4
VoiceHeader_RepeatHiSamples = 4 ;4
VoiceHeader_SamplesPerHiCycle = 8 ;4
VoiceHeader_SamplesPerSec = 12 ;2
VoiceHeader_Octaves = 14 ;1
VoiceHeader_Compression = 15 ;1
VoiceHeader_Volume = 16 ;4
; ** VSprite **
VSprite_SIZEOF = 60
VSprite_NextVSprite = 0 ;4
VSprite_PrevVSprite = 4 ;4
VSprite_DrawPath = 8 ;4
VSprite_ClearPath = 12 ;4
VSprite_OldY = 16 ;2
VSprite_OldX = 18 ;2
VSprite_Flags = 20 ;2
VSprite_Y = 22 ;2
VSprite_X = 24 ;2
VSprite_Height = 26 ;2
VSprite_Width = 28 ;2
VSprite_Depth = 30 ;2
VSprite_MeMask = 32 ;2
VSprite_HitMask = 34 ;2
VSprite_ImageData = 36 ;4
VSprite_BorderLine = 40 ;4
VSprite_CollMask = 44 ;4
VSprite_SprColors = 48 ;4
VSprite_VSBob = 52 ;4
VSprite_PlanePick = 56 ;1
VSprite_PlaneOnOff = 57 ;1
VSprite_VUserExt = 58 ;2
;;** WBArg **
WBArg_Lock = 0 ;4
WBArg_Name = 4 ;4
; ** WBPatternPrefs **
WBPatternPrefs_SIZEOF = 24
WBPatternPrefs_Reserved = 0 ;4
WBPatternPrefs_Which = 16 ;2
WBPatternPrefs_Flags = 18 ;2
WBPatternPrefs_Revision = 20 ;1
WBPatternPrefs_Depth = 21 ;1
WBPatternPrefs_DataLength = 22 ;2
; ** WBStartup **
WBStartup_SIZEOF = 40
WBStartup_Message = 0 ;20
WBStartup_Process = 20 ;4
WBStartup_Segment = 24 ;4
WBStartup_NumArgs = 28 ;4
WBStartup_ToolWindow = 32 ;4
WBStartup_ArgList = 36 ;4
; ** Window **
Window_SIZEOF = 136
Window_NextWindow = 0 ;4
Window_LeftEdge = 4 ;2
Window_TopEdge = 6 ;2
Window_Width = 8 ;2
Window_Height = 10 ;2
Window_MouseY = 12 ;2
Window_MouseX = 14 ;2
Window_MinWidth = 16 ;2
Window_MinHeight = 18 ;2
Window_MaxWidth = 20 ;2
Window_MaxHeight = 22 ;2
Window_Flags = 24 ;4
Window_MenuStrip = 28 ;4
Window_Title = 32 ;4
Window_FirstRequest = 36 ;4
Window_DMRequest = 40 ;4
Window_ReqCount = 44 ;2
Window_WScreen = 46 ;4
Window_RPort = 50 ;4
Window_BorderLeft = 54 ;1
Window_BorderTop = 55 ;1
Window_BorderRight = 56 ;1
Window_BorderBottom = 57 ;1
Window_BorderRPort = 58 ;4
Window_FirstGadget = 62 ;4
Window_Parent = 66 ;4
Window_Descendant = 70 ;4
Window_Pointer = 74 ;4
Window_PtrHeight = 78 ;1
Window_PtrWidth = 79 ;1
Window_XOffset = 80 ;1
Window_YOffset = 81 ;1
Window_IDCMPFlags = 82 ;4
Window_UserPort = 86 ;4
Window_WindowPort = 90 ;4
Window_MessageKey = 94 ;4
Window_DetailPen = 98 ;1
Window_BlockPen = 99 ;1
Window_CheckMark = 100 ;4
Window_ScreenTitle = 104 ;4
Window_GZZMouseX = 108 ;2
Window_GZZMouseY = 110 ;2
Window_GZZWidth = 112 ;2
Window_GZZHeight = 114 ;2
Window_ExtData = 116 ;4
Window_UserData = 120 ;4
Window_WLayer = 124 ;4
Window_IFont = 128 ;4
Window_MoreFlags = 132 ;4
;;** XRef **
XRef_SIZEOF = 32
XRef_Node = 0 ;14
XRef_Pad = 14 ;2
XRef_DF = 16 ;4
XRef_File = 20 ;4
XRef_Name = 24 ;4
XRef_Line = 28 ;4